Exploring the Power of Ayahuasca in Costa Rica: A Journey into Plant Medicine

Ayahuasca, the potent, mysterious, and in-demand Amazonian Plant Medicine tea, has reached every corner of the world by now. Still, there’s no place better to experience her than at a glorious Costa Rica resort. The Ayahuasca experience in Costa Rica is in some ways even better than the Peruvian jungle or the Sacred Valley: It’s such a welcoming, easy to get to, safe, and beautiful country. Thousands and thousands of people have drunk Plant Medicine in Costa Rica, and in many ways, the movement is just beginning.

When I co-founded Plant Medicine People, I did so with the sincere intention to co-create magical, healing, and truly safe Ayahuasca experiences. I had a very special opportunity to live in Costa Rica for a year doing this work almost a decade ago, and this incredible country won my heart. Many of our Ayahuasca and Plant Medicine retreats take place in this amazing place, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the land, the people, and the impeccably beautiful retreat spaces.

Understanding Ayahuasca and Her Cultural Background

The divine Ayahuasca tea is a gift birthed from the Amazonian jungle. This sacred medicine has been used for centuries for healing and consciousness expansion. But although Ayahuasca was born in the Amazon, Costa Rica is another natural home for her, as the climate is similar enough that she can even grow and flourish there. It was a natural evolution that she would find her way quickly to the welcoming Costa Rica environment; outside of South America, Costa Rica is one of the most common destinations for retreats featuring Ayahuasca.

For some, Costa Rica is a much more appealing destination than the intimidating Amazon; it’s easier and often cheaper to get to, the climate is similar but not nearly as intense, and even the insects are less prominent (did you know there’s such a thing as a bird eating spider? Yup, it exists, but only in South America.) 

Ayahuasca’s cultural background is an ideal fit for the vibrations of Costa Rica. The indigenous tribes in the Amazon, like the Shipibo-Conibo and Mestizo, have revered the potency of this magical brew for centuries. They always work with her a in ceremonial, ritualistic context. What she requires in terms of set and setting is a connection to nature, a lovingly yet strongly held container, and a space of reverence and community connection. The shamans who learn to work with Ayahuasca train for many, many years before they pour a single cup, and the heart of the training lies in the ability to work with Ayahuasca’s intensity, as well as guide participants through the journey via the power of Icaros, which are the incredible healing songs that drive the vibration of the medicine. 

Although there’s nothing that could ever replace the experience of working with Ayahuasca in her home in the Amazon, Costa Rica is a very close second. The environment has enough similarities that her spirit aligns with Costa Rica’s energies; and there are many magical retreat centers that are built for the core purpose of medicine work throughout the country. Many indigenous Maestros and Maestras adore the opportunity to do this sacred work in Costa Rica; authentic Ayahuasca ceremonies are just as available here as they are in South America. 

The Rise of Ayahuasca Tourism in Costa Rica

As the rising interest in the therapeutic and spiritual benefits of Ayahuasca has increased, Costa Rica continues to be a central hub for safe and welcoming retreats. Ayahuasca tourism has exploded in recent years as people from all walks of life are seeking holistic, organic support outside of the allopathic system that has failed so many. 

While it’s fantastic that Ayahuasca is accessible to more people, the explosion of Plant Medicine tourism raises many complications, most notably the sustainability of the medicine herself. One of the magnificent benefits of Costa Rica is the similar climate and environment to the Amazon jungle. Ayahuasca can actually grow in Costa Rica, so it’s possible for reputable retreats to replant both Ayahuasca (typically the Ayahuasca vine is the key component in the brew) and Chacruna (typically the DMT-containing plant in the brew) so that these magical beings will be available for all future generations.

Ayahuasca Ceremony Process in Costa Rica

The truth is there’s nothing typical about working with Ayahuasca. While many of the available retreats honor the ancient traditions of tribes like Shipibo-Conibo and Mestizo, there are many modern interpretations of Plant Medicine ceremonies these days, so the myriad of available options is varied! Most, however, combine plant medicine ceremony, with the ritualistic use of Ayahuasca, administered in a community setting, and almost always in the evening hours. The shaman/facilitator/curandero will drive the energy of the ayahuasca ceremonies with the live music, and purging as well as various other releases, are very common. 

By far, the most important element of any Ayahuasca ceremony is the one leading the experience. They set the tone for the vibration of the ritual, and they are the ones folks turn to if they encounter something difficult or frightening. It is essential that you choose who you sit with wisely; since there are so many options in Costa Rica. Make sure to choose a guide that has many, many years of experience and a deep relationship with Mama Aya.

Safety is the biggest factor when considering your ideal Ayahuasca experience. Here are some core elements that help co-create a safe and transformative Ayahuasca retreat:

  • Choose a set and setting that is connected to nature. Working with Ayahuasca makes us very, very sensitive; best to crack open in an organic environment where Mother Nature can truly support us.

  • Make sure your guide and the retreat staff are very, very experienced. A lot of folks mean well in this space but have not apprenticed and sat with Mama Aya for years and years. If they don’t have a deep relationship with her, they are not safe.

  • Know exactly what’s in the Ayahuasca brew and how she was made. Buying her off the internet is not ok. Make sure the team works with an experienced and reputable brewmaster and that they know exactly what’s in the brew. 

  • Inquire about the harm reduction policies in place at the retreat. Ask the team what emergency precautions they embody, if they are trained in Western medical modalities, and have folks who can handle sensitive situations.

  • Integration is also essential; ask the team if they support you in the aftermath. If not, have an integration coach at the ready in case you need help when the retreat is over.

Define for yourself what safety means to you—you’ve got a lot of options these days for Plant Medicine retreats, and safety is the most important factor. 

Benefits and Transformative Experiences of Ayahuasca Retreats

What are the benefits of Ayahuasca? This is almost a limitless list; she’s such a potent expander of consciousness and a magnificent remover of blockages; there’s so much healing that is possible with Mother Ayahuasca.

Here is a short list of some of the more prominent benefits of Ayahuasca:

Healing depression and anxiety - There are many studies these days that show the scientific ways in which Aya can help heal a traumatized mind and nervous system and bring neurotransmitters back into balance.

  • Purification – Her mighty, cleansing purge is a godsend on all levels. No one can clean our physical and energetic fields like Ayahuasca!

  • Trauma Healing – Ayahuasca has the capacity to find stagnant and dormant traumas stored in the body and move them through our bodies. Yes, we have to feel and process the related emotions, but in her loving embrace, it is possible to reset our relationships with even the more traumatic of past events. This is why she is so incredible for folks suffering from PTSD.

  • Self-Discovery – Every single journey with Ayahuasca offers an opportunity for us to know more about ourselves and the world in which we live in. She is always full of wildly beautiful wisdom!

  • Expansion of Consciousness – We can’t be aware of anything we don’t have access to, and one of Ayahuasca’s most potent superpowers is the ability to expand what we can perceive. This extends to both personal growth and inner awareness, as well as our ability to tap into the world at large.

  • Creativity Ignited – As part of her capacity to expand our awareness, this also often ignites and motivates a new wellspring of creative expression, which is always a good time!

  • Deeper Connection to People and Nature – Ayahuasca reminds us that we are connected to everyone and everything, and she often helps us heal a disconnection from nature that is fundamental to our relationship with suffering.

My Personal Journey with Ayahuasca

My personal journey with Ayahuasca began 20 years ago. When I found her, I was completely lost. I had been diagnosed bipolar, was a functioning alcoholic, and had a severe relationship with bulimia. I didn’t love myself. I didn’t believe that I could heal.

Ayahuasca changed everything. She brought me home to myself, she gave me hope that I could be happy, and systematically, she has taught me the tools to heal myself and co-create my dream life. 

Integration and Aftercare in a Plant Medicine Ceremony

So you’ve just had the trip of a lifetime drinking Ayahuasca in Costa Rica, and now you’re home and you feel alienated from mass consciousness and have that sinking feeling that the magic is fading…where do you go from here?

This is a super common scenario, and it reflects how integration is truly the most important part of the Plant Medicine process. Integration is where we take everything we learned and embody it, so that our everyday lives can be positively transformed by the experience. If you just expect the magic to be ever-present, you will be woefully let down. It turns out we gotta work for it.

Here are some practical and universal tips for integrating a recent Ayahuasca adventure:

  • Have a daily spiritual practice, even if it’s just for 5 minutes, where you show up for yourself. Be committed to checking in with your emotions and your physical body. 

  • Journal everything you can capture in the week or so after the retreat is over; we want to put into writing all the insights so they are there waiting for us when we inevitably forget the wisdoms.

  • If there are things that are confusing and tender about the experience, reach out to an integration expert for help. It’s often really challenging for us to interpret our own visions and messages, and seeking advice from an experienced professional can make all the difference.

  • Have a creative outlet; anything from painting, singing, writing, dancing, photography, music – all of these help us to channel the energies and get out of our heads, and they are also powerful ways to express the inexpressible.

  • Movement is absolutely essential; yoga, dance, hiking, or any body-based experience that brings you joy. This is imperative to grounding in the new energies; we cannot think our way to higher states of consciousness. And the body is a critical part of the aftermath. Engaging with a somatic therapist is even better!

Legal and Ethical Considerations

It’s extremely important to emphasize that Plant Medicines like Ayahuasca are NOT legal in Costa Rica. That said, there’s a bevy of retreat activity because, historically, law enforcement has been very relaxed about enforcing drug laws. But to be clear, Costa Rican law prohibits the sale and possession of almost all psychedelic substances. The exception is Cannabis

Do not attempt to travel with any psychedelic substances in Costa Rica, as airports are especially strict about the transfer of these substances. 

Retreats and Sustainability in Costa Rica

The ethics of working with sacred plants is also extremely essential. If you decide to attend a local retreat, please enquire with the leadership about reciprocity. Those that pour plant medicines should also have a sincere commitment to replanting, as well as supporting the indigenous tribes that have been the wisdom keepers and protectors for centuries. 

The massive amount of Ayahuasca tourism in Costa Rica means that we must, in turn, be committed to sustainability, as the ecological impact of taking so much of Ayahuasca and Chacruna from the Amazonian jungle is very real. Without ensuring these plants are put back in the ground, we are endangering their longevity. Please support Ayahuasca Costa Rica resorts that are committed to reciprocity. 

Ayahuasca Costa Rica Retreat: Closing The Ceremony

Ayahuasca has changed the spiritual landscape in Costa Rica, and positively impacted their economy too. If you feel called to have your own sacred medicine experience in this beautiful country, check our list of current retreats or subscribe to our newsletter and get updates to future events. There’s no better place to experience the majesty of nature, and the spiritual healing power of Mother Ayahuasca. May your ayahuasca journey be insightful and the healing life-changing ☺ 

Next Blog: Vomitivos (and a Frog!) That Help us Purge What Ails Us

About the Author

Tina “Kat” Courtney is a traditionally trained Ayahuasquera and Huachumera; she apprenticed for over a decade in the Shipibo-Conibo and Quechua-Lamista traditions. She’s the author of Plant Medicine Mystery School Vol 1: The Superhero Healing Powers of Psychotropic Plants. Kat is a pioneer in the Psychedelic Integration space, as well as an expert in cultivating life-changing relationships with plant spirits. She leads Master Plant Diets both in person and remotely and is available for coaching and consultations about this and all shamanic topics. Kat is also a certified Death Doula, honored to help people make peace with the inevitable and beautiful transition into the afterlife. She has spent her adult life cultivating a bonded and trusting relationship with the darkness, and she’d love to help you do the same.


The Ancient Healing Technology of Ayahuasca Medicine Music and Icaros


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