Join the Cannabis Diet Craze!
Am1g0s, m0b1us is just back from a pilgrimage to the lands of lands. He grokked scrolls in fullness and received unique dharma transmissions from strangers. He found plant intelligence hidden in plain sight. And he once again found the power of the fast.
Now don’t get heem wrong: m0b1us is that cat who wants like a god. He’s a beast of big appetites, and loves the immensity and the continuity of a bender. He writes in long jags, laughs longest, and can make a quart sized tub of Chocolate Hagen Daz disappear in a standard sized jiffy. Cases of bottled ales full of well sized flagons have been known to go poof while we dance and raise the roof. We must Desire Bigly if we wish to heal and wake up, and our ass must our sass ever follow. We’s just gotta Want It Bad if we are ever to find release from this here tale o’ tears. So go for it. It’s the festival of awakening, and you’re invited.
And, on the road, we can’t always bring our plant familiars with us. Oh, cannabis is ubiquitous, She’s made sure of that: You can wander pole to pole like m0b1us and find it anytime She wishes it. But on the road we can explore the gift of her absence, as grand as any of her generosities. We can dwindle our ceremonies with her to the barest inkling of any inkling. We can go asymptotically distant and find her
right there
inside ourselves.
Who is This Crazy Cat?
Richard Doyle, Ph.D., aka m0b1us, is an Edwin Erle Sparks Professor in the College of the Liberal Arts at Penn State University, where he has taught since 1994. He has authored numerous books and open source texts about the wonders of plant medicines and consciousness, including the 2011 release Darwin’s Pharmacy. m0b1us has a special fondness and expertise for Cannabis, his Green Lady, and he is remarkably gifted at assisting those passionate about understanding our dual nature, and our non-dual destinies. m0b1us has also been the recipient of numerous awards, including grants from the National Science Foundation and the Penn State Alumni Association. If it’s a deeper more reverent relationship with Cannabis that you seek, m0 would be oh-so honored to guide you.