Natural Boundaries

One of the most precious revelations I got from my teacher Desda Zuckerman was the absolute sense of “where I end and where I begin”.  The fundamental principle of Sacred Anatomy (tm) is that every human individuated “self” has an actual container: A membrane she defines as the “Soul Layer Edge”.  I like to think of it as our “Soul Membrane” and see it as nearly identical with the cell membranes that protect every one of our cells and connect them to all the other cells and the physical environment.

It’s actually quite easy to experience this membrane that surrounds  your individual “soul” and connects you to the rest of the universe of energies and entities with a simple awareness exercise. In my experience, having a real sense of this part of my energy anatomy is both soothing and essential for learning to trust my ability to discern what frequencies of energy I welcome into my unique individuated Being and which frequencies I simply don’t invite in.

The Soul Membrane

This part of your anatomy is very much like your skin.  It’s not a “barrier” so much as a selectively absorbing membrane. The more aware I am of what is irritating to my skin and what can absorb through it, the less toxic substances and energies I allow myself to absorb.  In general, I don’t allow just anyone to “get under my skin”. Similarly, as I become aware of the innate intelligence of my “Soul Membrane” I learn to rely on it’s natural intelligence to only say “yes” to the frequencies of energy from anyone or anything that are actually nourishing to my entire being and my evolutionary growth.

On an energy level we all nourish each other.  We are after all, a small container of the entire universe of light and empty space with a little bag of mostly fluid and a tiny bit of denser matter in the middle of our energy body.  Everyone radiates a whole variety of frequencies of energy that range from the highest vibrations to the densest ones.  The outer surface of the “Soul Membrane” is absolutely furry with tiny hair-like antennas that are the very tips of our “Greater Nervous System”.  We have energy systems that pretty much match our physical systems (no surprise!).  The nervous system of our energy body is also its digestive system.  We eat and assimilate light from every other source of energy in the universe and beyond.

The Soul Membrane is the seat of my intelligent discernment. It really does have the near magical capacity to introduce any energy I am receiving at my edge to the the core intelligence of my energy body, allowing it to say “YES!” to what it is compatible with.  Any frequencies that are not met with this resounding “YES!” are simply allowed to drift right back out of the edge of the membrane and into the universe. 

I call this principle “Sovereign Resonator” and often lead my clients in affirming: “I choose to resonate with only the highest and most nourishing frequencies from every entity and energy in the universe and let the rest pass by”. “I choose to trust in the innate intelligence of every part of my energy body to continue to identify and release any frequencies that are incompatible with me, so that only the most nourishing energies will absorb into my being, supporting and stabilizing my absolutely unique expression of myself back into the universe.”

Setting Natural Boundaries

All of the support I offer people is anchored in this one essential principle and unfortunately pretty much everyone has had their sense of discernment (and therefore their spiritual boundary) compromised. Because nearly everyone had parents that had not learned to take responsibility for healing their own traumas from their childhood, we have been burdened with blame, projections and shame that they have learned to tolerate. In a sense, we trained themselves to absorb energy from their parents and others that is toxic to who we are.  As children, we humans usually have no sense of what feelings are unique to us and what really is coming from someone else.  So we try to eat or hold frequencies that are self destructive and this can cause us to traumatize others.

Natural boundaries are something you can learn to become aware of and reinforce.  The Soul Membrane is the location of your highest natural compassionate witnessing of yourself and others. It is composed of energy that is a much higher frequency than your electromagnetic field that you know as your “aura” which emanates from your physical body.   

Your aura is indeed another boundary but it in my experience, it is built to interact with others and exchange energy and information.  There is no way to prevent that because it is essentially how you communicate your uniqueness to them.  But if I am witnessing that blending of their energy and mine from my highest neutral and discerning awareness available at my Soul Membrane, I will not absorb energy that is toxic to me, even though I cannot prevent the natural exchange of my electromagnetic energy with others.

If you would love assistance in learning to tapped into your own natural boundaries for more safety and protection in the world, book a session with David and he’d be honored to help you empower your sovereignty!

About the Author

David Kitts has been working in the healing arts for over 34 years. He found is way to this path after a near-fatal car accident at age 19. He is a licensed acupuncturist who can administer sessions remotely via a technique called Virtual Light Needle Acupuncture, and he’s extremely gifted at clearing unwanted energies in spaces and physical bodies. David is also an expert at Human Design and Gene Keys, which helps clients embody enormous and profound self-discovery and personal transformations. He teaches Energy Body Awareness, is a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, and he loves helping people feel whole, healed, and empowered.


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