Blasting Through Stagnation with Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Past life regressions have become popular in the spiritual community lately, another tool in our toolkit to connect with our cosmic selves.  You may have had a friend try it and tell you excitedly about their life as a free-spirited sea pirate or how they remember experiencing life as a witch who got burned at the stake. It all sounds very dramatic and interesting, but sometimes past lives feel so irrelevant to our current life challenges, it may seem confusing why it’s such an incredible healing modality.

What you may not realize is that knowing your other soul experiences actually opens much more than just the knowledge of who you’ve been and what you’ve gone through. In fact, the knowledge of the lives we’ve lived before is interesting and useful, but the magic happens in many additional ways. First, let me quickly tell you a bit about the two methods of regressive hypnosis that I currently practice. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) are similar and in fact, BQH emerged out of QHHT. If you are familiar with Dolores Cannon, you may already know that QHHT was developed by her as a method to help people release and heal trauma in their current lives by integrating past emotions and recurring themes. But even more importantly, the method accessed the client’s Higher Self (the most evolved version of their consciousness) for direct answers to questions or blocks. Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) emerged after Dolores’ passing. Very similar to QHHT, but BQH allows for the continued evolution of the methodology, including the ability to conduct sessions online. QHHT sessions must be conducted in person.

So why would connecting with a past life help you when you are stuck in your current life? First of all, no past life experienced in a regressive hypnosis session is random. We are not spinning a roulette wheel and landing on a past life for entertainment purposes. If you’ve ever sat in a plant medicine ceremony, you know what I mean. There is perfection in the process, even if it’s not what our conscious minds want or try and control. 

The life experience (whether human or not), can show you an emotional experience that is directly linked with a block in your current life.  Identifying and experiencing that emotion in another lifetime, creates a release that is outside of your current egoic framework. Hence, experiencing that emotion in another life will often provide a quick release and clearing via identification. If you have a terrible fear of snakes and find out that you were killed by a snake in another lifetime, you’ve illuminated the source. And voila, relief!    

One of the most profound experiences in a past life regression is meeting people in your current life playing different roles. Experiencing those relationships outside of your present life can heal the current relationship. The abuser becomes the abused, the wife becomes the husband, and the child becomes the parent - all of these scenarios are common! And sometimes, the grandmother remains the grandmother and you feel how strong and deep that connection is and has continued to be. In the end, forgiveness towards people in your life can be the greatest gift that you didn’t expect to emerge from the session.

But the biggest shift I see in people starts when we reach the client’s Higher Self directly. In the quantum field, the Higher Self is the most evolved part of you, the version that has all the knowledge and wisdom. It is the part of you that is in direct connection with All/Source/God, whatever you want to call that energy that runs through everything. Once you’ve heard that voice, reached that state of being, and known it is in you, your life will never be the same again. You’ve felt the energy, the confidence, the wisdom and can foster that relationship and integration moving forward. Knowing your Higher Self outside of altered experience allows you to now listen for it and feel it. Best of all, it’s you. That’s how powerful you are.

These are just a few of the profound shifts that can happen from a Quantum Healing session (QHHT or BQH). Just like the stories of our lives, every session is different and beautiful in its customized perfection and wisdom. 

If you are interested in reading more, I’d recommend picking up any of the many Dolores Cannon books. She has shared thousands of sessions, all unique and fascinating. And if you are interested in scheduling a 30-minute call to see how these modalities this could help you move some of your own stagnation boulders, schedule it here. Thank you so much; happy healing!

About the Author

Marwa Mitchell is a certified past life regressionist (PLR) in both Dolores Cannon’s QHHT methodology and the Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) modality. A lifelong student of consciousness exploration, Marwa is particularly adept at understanding how the subconscious mind operates in connection with the universal consciousness to reflect our traumas and illuminate our paths to growth. She is also an experienced Plant Medicine participant with a big love for the potency of nature to expand our awareness and create profound healing opportunities.


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