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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Mushrooms Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Mushrooms Tina Kat Courtney

How Magic Mushrooms Heal Depression: A Look at Psilocybin Depression Treatment

By Natalhie Ruiz - Learn how Magic Mushrooms can heal depression by honoring ancient ways of healing and newfound scientific research. This blog explores the profound impact of depression on mind, body, and spirit, and shares personal insights and research on how Psilocybin promotes deep emotional and spiritual healing, offering a holistic and natural approach to well-being that honors both traditional practices and contemporary understandings.

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Somatic Psychedelic Integration Tools 

By Faegann Harlow - Somatic therapy is a holistic approach that addresses well-being through the mind-body connection. This blog explores how somatic therapy empowers individuals by fostering inner awareness and self-trust. It also highlights the integration of somatic practices with psychedelic experiences, offering insights on how to process and anchor new revelations for sustainable healing. Explore various somatic techniques and professional modalities to enhance your journey toward whole-person wellness.

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Plant Medicine, Spirituality, Integration Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Spirituality, Integration Tina Kat Courtney

Are Past Lives Real? Unveiling Evidence, Experiences, and Spiritual Insights

By Marwa Mitchell - Belief in reincarnation is a cornerstone of many cultures and religions, from Hinduism and Buddhism to indigenous traditions like the Shipibo. This blog explores compelling evidence for past lives, including children's detailed recollections, past-life regression experiences, and natural talents or phobias linked to previous lifetimes. Learn how past life memories can provide profound insights, healing, and a sense of purpose.

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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Cannabis Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Cannabis Tina Kat Courtney

How to Heal Cannabis Addiction

By Neil Kirwan - Cannabis is deeply embedded in human culture, often leading to complex and dysfunctional relationships. This blog explores how societal attitudes and the pitfalls of smoking contribute to these issues. Learn to identify signs of an unhealthy relationship with Cannabis and discover ways to mend it through mindful ingestion, ceremonial practices, and addressing underlying pain. Unlock the true healing potential of this powerful plant medicine.

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Plant Medicine, Master Plant Diet, Protection Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Master Plant Diet, Protection Tina Kat Courtney

The Most Protective Master Plant Spirits

By Lindsay Calliandra Rose - Discover how sacred plants like Tobacco, Juniper, Oak, Frankincense, Rose, Rue, White Sage, and Mugwort offer unique forms of protection. Learn about their grounding, cleansing, and empowering properties that help create safe spaces for ceremonies and everyday life. Explore the sacred world of protective master plants and connect with nature’s guardians.

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Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca, Legal System Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca, Legal System Tina Kat Courtney

Plant Medicine Community Growing Pains: The Biggest Challenges in the Psychedelic Renaissance

By Natalhie Ruiz - Explore the profound challenges and ethical dilemmas facing the psychedelic renaissance. In this blog, dive into the concerns of cultural appropriation, commodification, and the need to honor indigenous traditions, emphasizing the importance of balancing clinical approaches with shamanic wisdom and fostering authentic relationships with sacred plant medicines.

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Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca, Integration Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca, Integration Tina Kat Courtney

How Past Life Regression Helps with Ayahuasca Integration

By Marwa Mitchel - Support your Ayahuasca integration through past life hypnosis. Learn how these two powerful healing modalities can guide you into your subconscious, uncover hidden emotions and traumas, and gain clarity on intense experiences. Through past-life regression, you can interpret Ayahuasca visions, process emotions, and understand patterns from past lives.

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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Integration Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Integration Tina Kat Courtney

Embodied Integration: Bridging Somatics and Psychedelic Healing

By Faegann Harlow—In our latest blog, Explore the deep connection between somatic integration and psychedelics. Learn practical somatic techniques to integrate psychedelic journeys, fostering greater presence and resilience. Dive into the interplay of body wisdom and plant medicine and unlock the transformative power of healing with somatics.

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