Lindsay Calliandra Rose


My clearest and most treasured memories from childhood are of wandering the woods near my home, often barefoot and alone, hearing the plants calling me to them. They were my dearest friends, and I could spend hours just walking or sitting among them in a natural communion. At the time, I did not realize how many others were too closed off to nature to feel this magic, and now I know that helping others reawaken to the healing and wonder of relating with the plants, trees, and elements of nature is a central part of my calling in this lifetime, as it has been in many others.

Though my journey began to shift in 2001 when I went to Mexico to experience sacred cactus medicine with people I had met in India 2 years prior, it was in January of 2019 when I first sat in ceremony with Kat Courtney and her medicine partners that my own reawakening to sacred connection with plant consciousness blossomed. In October of that year, I participated in my first master plant dieta with Bobinsana and knew then that bonding with plants would be a part of my soul’s calling and a cornerstone for my own healing and growth.

Since that first dive with Bobinsana, I have partnered in dieta with Ajo Sacha, Coca, Jurema (aka mimosa hostilis), Rose, and Cypress. I began holding the dieta container on my own not long after, starting with White Sage, Cacao, and Juniper. This process is so special and sacred to me that I know dietas will be part of my life forever more.

I am also initiated to serve hapeh, a medicine that is very dear to me, and am a carrier of a number of additional plants. It is with utmost gratitude, respect, and love that I step into service of the plants and the beautiful humans who can benefit by experiencing their medicine. Everything in my life has expanded and shifted through deep communion with plant consciousness, and I could not be more grateful to them as allies during these times. It is a profound privilege to guide others through this process, supporting all who are called on their Plant Medicine journeys in any way that I am able to assist.



Areas of Expertise

Plant Medicine / Psychedelic Integration

Ayahuasca + Ceremony Work

Master Plant Diets / Dietas

Shamanic Coaching

Ceremony Preparation + Guidance


FIRST TIME CLIENT 60 mins - $100

60 mins - $150

Master Plant Diet packages start at $300



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If you are in urgent need of help or guidance, please do not let money be the reason that you don’t receive it. Reach out here and we can find a way to get you what you need.


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