Thank you for taking our Master Plant Quiz!

Here is the full list of Master Plants in this quiz:

  1. Sage - Fiery, protective, purifying, outspoken, light warrior

  2. Cacao - Sensual, grounded, playful, tactile, earthy, sassy, tribal

  3. Rose – Duplicitous, divine feminine, loving, master communicator

  4. Bobinsana - Resilient, self-love, compassionate, reflective, fluid

  5. Sunflower - Direct, enthusiastic, warm, sunny, optimistic

  6. Chiric Sanango - Sensitive, empathic, grounded, humanitarian

  7. Lavender - Relaxed, present, kind, calming, fairy-like, confronting

  8. Damiana - Sensual, spicy, unpredictable, intense, intuitive, loyal

  9. Dandelion – Playful, manifesting, paradoxical, optimistic, innocent

  10. Una de Gato - Fiery yet grounded, insightful, cat-like, problem solver

  11. Frankincense - Regal, sacred, generous, world-changer, cosmic

  12. Blue Water Lily - Intuitive, wise, mysterious, present, mystical