What is Iboga/Ibogaine?
From the wild and forested region of Gabon in West Africa comes Iboga, another mystical, immensely powerful master plant that has been used for thousands of years in healing rituals. Iboga has been cultivated and protected by the Bwiti tribe, and the Bwiti still lead and train others to work with this powerhouse.
Iboga is arguably the most potent, masculine, intensely difficult plant medicine in the world. His ceremonies last at least 12 hours, with after effects lasting up to several weeks after a single dose Iboga requires restraint, profound reverence, and many, many years of study before anyone can accurately proclaim themselves a true partner.
About Iboga/Ibogaine
When one is called to Iboga, they are called to far more than just a plant, but to an entire cultural tradition and a full scale spiritual journey. Iboga’s superpowers are many, but they mostly encompass healing ancestral wounds, taking people through intensely beautiful shadow work experiences via the masculine perspective (which often involves processing anger, abuse, fear, trauma, and depression), and the incredible experience of a life review.
Iboga is famous for giving participants the 30,000 foot view of their lives, much like a near death experience can trigger when we take stock in our experiences and choices from an expanded perspective.
Papa Iboga is pure mind medicine; he clears out the clutter of lies and stories and helps people get to the heart of what is true for them, and who they want to be. He’s a massive dose of empowerment, teaching all those who walk with him how to show up in their fire and fierceness, and he can often tap into repressed memories or forgotten dreams.
Iboga is an incredible ally for self-discovery, for bursting through feelings of stagnation and confusion, and he’s ideal for anyone who needs to feel their divine masculine strength.
Iboga is perhaps most famous for dealing with the prevalent issues of addiction in all its shadowy forms. One of his most potent alkaloids, Ibogaine, is regularly extracted solely for administering to addicts.
Benefits of Iboga/Ibogaine
Ibogaine has the power to reset an addict’s brain chemistry back to a pre-addicted state within 45 minutes of a flood dose. He also fast-forwards the experience of PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms) to give those in recovering a true opportunity to heal.
A journey with Iboga can be best described as the most vivid dream you’ve ever experienced. He takes people through a life review, allowing participants to see their lives from a much higher, more detached perspective.
Those who have worked deeply with Iboga report incredible experiences of healing, especially mental injuries like depression, trauma, PTSD03, and anxieties.