What is Rapéh/Sacred Tobacco?
Sacred Tobacco is one of the oldest and most sacred plant spirits in the entirety of Earth. He is used with reverence in nearly every shamanic tradition across the globe, and is especially respected in the Americas. Think of Tobacco as Father Earth; deeply connected to the consciousness of our planet, in service to her and all her plant children. He is a communicator, a connector, and a divine masculine teacher.
Rapéh (pronounced ‘ha-peh’ in English) is sacred shamanic snuff medicine, indigenous to the Amazonian jungle. Rapėh is a powdered medicine, typically containing the ashes of Sacred Tobacco, and another master plant called Tsunu. These medicines are made in a very labor-intensive process and often contain the leaves, seeds, flowers, and ashes of other powerful plants like Rose, Palo Santo, Ayahuasca, and many, many more.
About Rapéh/Sacred Tobacco
Rapėh is typically administered up the nasal cavity by using a pipe called a Tepi, made from bamboo, wood, or bone. The medicine can also be be self-administered using a V-shaped self-applicator pipe called a Quripe / Kuripe, which connects the mouth to the nostrils.
In a general sense, Rapėh has the following effects – he profoundly helps to re-align and open all chakras, releases stuck energies and sickness on all levels, facilitates deep connection and grounding, opens-up the third eye, de-calcifies the pineal gland, clears mental confusion, releases negativity and entities, and elevates the overall connection to Spirit.
Each type of Rapėh has different frequencies, vibrations, notes, qualities, subtleties, and and healing qualities. The intention of the shaman administering the medicine is also deeply felt, as is the power of the blow, and the energies in the Rapėh blend intself.
Tribes like the Yawanawa, Kaxinawa-Huni Kuin, and Katukina (all Brazilian Indigenous tribes) use Rapėh in Ayahuasca ceremonies to help calm participants, release blockages, induce purging, and open up the visions for clarity and insights.
Sacred Tobacco is also used as Mapacho (typically as rolled sticks for smoking, which facilitates protection and communication), Ambil (a tobacco paste rubbed on the gums, typically as the masculine counterpart to a feminine medicine like Mambė) and even as a purgative tea in a Master Plant Dieta.
Benefits of Rapéh/Sacred Tobacco
Because Rapėh helps to de-calcify the third eye, this medicine is magnificent for bringing in more clarity, vision, and insight on a micro and macro level.
Rapėh physically lowers blood pressure and calms the nervous system, which can do wonders to relieve anxiety and bring in a sense of trust and safety.
It is common to cry, purge, sweat, and otherwise release energies that were previous blocked; this is one of the ways Rapėh is so remarkably healing.