A Master Plant Diet with Sage: Clearing Energy With Her Gentle, Firm Guidance

I felt her enter the room quietly to avoid disturbing what I was doing. I wasn’t used to this on my plant journeys; I was used to a whirlwind entering like a hurricane into my perceptive consciousness. A powerful portal opened, and a rush of energy swirly instantly as I sit down during that first cup of tea.

But not Sage; she was different…

She sat next to me, watching me but not interrupting. My own egoic attachment to being overtaken by the experience dramatically triggered insecurity. Perhaps I needed to meditate and reconnect to my heart space. I shouldn’t have had that bit of honey in my tea yesterday, or I should have stayed away from watching that show last night. Spiritual experiences should always be uncomfortable and difficult, and I always give myself to them fully.

And just like that, she dropped the bomb on me - “Why do you give yourself away so easily”?

I don’t know. Do I do that a lot?

Empaths and Highly Sensitive Coping Mechanisms

If you’re like me, you’re an empath. It’s a gift, when developed properly, that provides a beautiful connection to others and deep compassion. It’s a superpower. When developed in trauma, though, it becomes a survival mechanism for navigating a difficult childhood. I knew what people wanted and how to make them happy, regardless of how it made me feel. People’s comfort and happiness made me feel good, because then (and only then) I was worthy of love. In a child, it creates the good girl or boy, the people pleaser, and often, as an adult, it will turn you into a shell of a human. In my younger years, I didn’t know who I was because I became a product of other people’s desires.

Sage Teaches How to Cleanse The Parasitic Energies and Weak Boundaries

I drew in parasites of all types because of it – the narcissists, the emotional abusers, the bullies. These were the ones that loved getting what they wanted, and I was there to give it! You can’t have real boundaries when your only desire is to make others happy, and it’s with a heavy heart that I realized at that moment with Sage, that although I had made significant headway in becoming my own person and creating a life that was all my own in the past 20+ years, my lack of personal boundaries remained, deeply affecting my current experiences.

I had to develop stronger boundaries to become compassionate, truly connected, and, most importantly, genuinely helpful to others. She demonstrated this with ease and grace, giving me space during our three weeks together, and honoring my time with my family and myself. She would always knock before entering and was always OK when I was not quite there to answer. In fact, she encouraged it.

By Sage honoring me and my space, there was an energy shift. Her magic is beyond words, and as I drank her day after day, more and more would clear. Sage took me through the journey of seeing how parasitic energy can feel weak boundaries and how by not reinforcing the walls, I was hurting myself on all levels. It came as no surprise when I found out that Sage clears physical parasites in the body as well. She’s also adept at clearing energetic centers and removing entities that may be feasting inside (not just in a room). These, of course, will return unless we do the work to heal the trauma that creates the attachment in the first place, but Sage provides the clearing to look at the shadow from the inside out. She’s a powerful tool in the arsenal – a triple threat.

There are no words to describe how I feel about Sage, and there was so much more that she showed me during my time with her. Strengthening and clearing my boundaries is the story I share because it was the most life-altering. Something I needed desperately if I were to work with others and be useful. As I closed out my dieta, I asked that her energy stays with me as a guide. I still feel her as powerfully as I did then, months later. Now, whenever I need to say no, I think of her and she smiles widely and says DO IT! With great enthusiasm, I may add. I’d recommend her medicine to anyone who has struggled, like me, to turn what can seem like a curse into a superpower. Sage is a master at what she does and I am forever grateful.

About the Author

Marwa Mitchell is a certified past life regressionist (PLR) in both Dolores Cannon’s QHHT methodology and the Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) modality. A lifelong student of consciousness exploration, Marwa is particularly adept at understanding how the subconscious mind operates in connection with the universal consciousness to reflect our traumas and illuminate our paths to growth. She is also an experienced Plant Medicine participant with a big love for the potency of nature to expand our awareness and create profound healing opportunities. Marwa is also a coach and executive with Plant Medicine People, as it’s her greatest honor to help others awaken and heal too.


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