Finding Your Sacred Space: How to Choose the Right Place to Drink Ayahuasca

Several years ago, I participated in my first Ayahuasca ceremony. Little did I know that the retreat center I went to was one that I would never recommend to anyone years later. Luckily, nothing terrible happened to me, but as I walked my shamanic path, I quickly realized that there is such a thing as retreats that are rooted in integrity, respect, and safety, and others that are unfortunately rooted in greed, manipulation, and abuse of medicine and people. 

It took me years to integrate my first retreat experience, and I realized how unsafe I actually felt in the ceremonies. I had no idea what trauma was or wasn't mine due to a chaotic and unprotected ceremony - engulfed in intense energy from all the 80+ people shoved into the maloca. The ceremony was held by untrained and inexperienced “shamans” and assistants, which I learned several months after being there. Because this was my first Ayahuasca experience, I had no idea what to expect or what questions to ask when looking for a retreat center.

Through trial and error and with the guidance of Mama Ayahuasca, I learned the importance of choosing ceremonies and retreats that are truly sacred. Ayahuasca ceremonies are meant to be sacred spaces that deeply revere Ayahuasca, indigenous people, and their traditions. Ayahuasca ceremonies must have experienced and trained facilitators and assistants deeply connected to medicine. Without these key pieces, we risk putting ourselves in uncomfortable and even dangerous situations. 

Choosing the right place to drink Ayahuasca is the most essential part of the process in honor of your healing and spiritual journey, but also in honor of Ayahuasca and her traditions. 

The Significance of Setting

Embarking on an Ayahuasca journey requires more than just the desire to explore one's inner world. The right place for this sacred ceremony is paramount for a safe and transformative experience. Safety is crucial, as the environment should be carefully created to ensure physical and emotional well-being. Sovereignty is another essential aspect, as participants must feel some sense of autonomy and control over their journey, allowing them to explore their inner landscapes freely. Moreover, a respectful setting honors the sacred nature of Ayahuasca’s medicine, emphasizing the importance of intention, tradition, and reverence. These elements create a space where participants can embark on a healing and spiritual journey with the utmost care and respect for Ayahuasca and the individuals who seek her guidance.

Through my experience, I've come to share with clients and those interested in Ayahuasca to avoid my mistakes. I’ve guided many to choose responsible and safe retreats that align with them, hold integrity, value safety, and honor the medicine and her traditions. 

Below, I’ve created a list of key factors to consider before choosing where to drink Ayahuasca.  

Several Key Factors to Consider

  • Facilitator Experience and Training: One of the most critical aspects of choosing the right place for an Ayahuasca ceremony is verifying the experience and credentials of the facilitators, shamans, or guides. Check if they have received proper training and have a background in traditional healing practices. Ensure they have a deep and reverent connection to Mama Aya, vital for a safe and empowering ceremony. This also goes for the facilitators’ assistants.

    Trauma-informed Facilitators and Assistants: Trauma-informed facilitators and assistants are important for creating a safe and supportive environment. They understand the potential triggers and sensitivities that participants may have and can provide the necessary guidance to navigate these challenges.

  • Safety Protocols: Inquire about the safety protocols in place during Ayahuasca ceremonies. Ask how they handle medical emergencies or adverse reactions. A responsible retreat center should have well-defined procedures for ensuring participants' physical and emotional well-being.

  • Medical Screening: Ensure that the Ayahuasca retreats conduct thorough medical screenings for participants. Disclosing medical conditions or medications to the facilitators is essential to ensure your safety. This information helps them tailor the experience to your specific needs.

  • Integration Support: Check if the retreat offers integration support or coaching after the ceremonies. Integration is essential for processing the experience and translating uncomfortable, confusing, or enlightening insights into daily life. Access to experienced coaches or facilitators who can guide you through this process is invaluable.

  • Pre-Ceremony Preparation: Inquire about pre-ceremony guidelines, such as dietary, medical, and medication restrictions or practices. Adequate preparation is crucial for a meaningful Ayahuasca experience. Follow these guidelines diligently to maximize the benefits and safety of your journey.

  • Trust Your Intuition and Have Discernment: Listen to your instincts and trust your gut feeling when choosing a retreat. If something feels off or doesn't resonate with you, consider other options and seek support or referrals. Your intuition can be a powerful guide in making the right decision.

  • Respect for Indigenous Traditions: Choose a retreat that respects and honors the indigenous and their traditions of Ayahuasca and other sacred plant medicines. Ensure that the retreat center works in collaboration with indigenous shamans and tribes. This respect ensures cultural authenticity and strengthens the spiritual connection to plant medicine.

  • The Ayahuasca Brew: Depending on the tradition and who your shaman is, Ayahuasca can be mixed with other plants to create a different experience and healing benefits. However, the safest brew you can consume will be Ayahuasca in her purest and most authentic form - simply the Ayahuasca vine, the Chacruna leaves, and water. Be aware of Ayahuasca brews that are altered with other intense medicines, alcohol, or substances. 

The Formality and a Few Expectations of Ceremony

While Ayahuasca ceremonies should be approached with an open mind and little to no expectations, it is important to know some formalities and expectations of a safe and ethical Ayahuasca and retreat experience.

  • Dietary Restrictions: Ayahuasca ceremonies typically require participants to follow a strict diet in the days leading up to the ceremony. This usually means avoiding certain foods and substances like alcohol and recreational drugs.

  • Silent Contemplation: During the ceremony, it's customary to maintain silence and focus on your inner experience. Talking or interacting with others can disrupt the energy of the ceremony.

  • Respect for Others: Show respect for your fellow participants. Everyone's journey is unique, and creating a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere is essential.

  • Size of the Ceremony: Ceremonies can range from 10 - 30 participants in a group. If you consider a ceremony with more than 30 participants, please be cautious and consider looking at smaller group retreats.

  • How Much Medicine is Offered: Most Ayahuasca ceremonies offer at least two cups of Ayahuasca to drink throughout the night. If you find that the ceremony does not have a limit or urges you to consume more and more medicine, consider that a huge red flag. Less is more when working with a powerful medicine like Ayahuasca.

    Check out this video from our CEO and Ayahuasquera, Kat Courtney, talking about the problem with the “don’t think, drink” motto in some Ayahuasca ceremonies. 

  • Sovereignty: Your Ayahuasca experience should always include sovereignty. No matter what the shaman, facilitator, or even Ayahuasca herself tells you, you should always have the choice to decide what does and does not align with you. As a matter of fact, one of Ayahuasca’s biggest teachings is to be sovereign and authentic individuals :)

Preparing for your Journey

Once you've chosen the right place and adequately prepared yourself, it's time to embark on your Ayahuasca journey. Remember that the experience can be profound and life-changing, but it can also be challenging. Approach it with an open heart and a humble mindset, ready to learn and grow.

Choose a Retreat with Caution

Choosing the right place to drink Ayahuasca is a decision that should not be taken lightly. It's not just about finding a comfortable or picturesque location; it's about creating a safe and supportive space for a profoundly transformative experience. 

Whether you opt for a traditional jungle retreat or a modern center, prioritize safety, respect, and cultural awareness. With the right setting and proper preparation, your Ayahuasca journey has the potential to be a profound and enlightening adventure into the depths of your consciousness and healing. By choosing safe and ethical retreats, you are also choosing to protect Ayahuasca and her sacred medicine.

About the Author

Natalhie Ruiz is an integration coach and plant medicine guide born in Denver, Colorado, and of Peruvian indigenous descent. Her ancestry carries a lineage of curanderas from the Wari/Quechua people of the Peruvian Andes. Her work for us at the Plant Medicine People is managing all marketing and content creation. She has a strong background and personal experience with sacred plant medicines. Her knowledge and expertise in plant medicine have grown over the last 5 years, and she has had the privilege to have studied under the Cocamilla teachings. She has a deep relationship with Grandmother Ayahuasca, Rapéh/Mapacho, and Psilocybin. She has sat in isolated and dieta sauves with Cacao, Bobinsana, Ajo Sacha, and Damiana and has experience with other Medicines like San Pedro and Kambo. She is looking forward to continuing her journey of learning and communing with other master plants. She is a dedicated advocate of plant medicine and protecting indigenous culture and traditions. 


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