Energetic Fuckery – How to Handle Invasive Energies

By David Kitts

Even though we are all multi-dimensional beings, many people are completely unaware of the energetic relationships we have with other humans, the earth, animals and plants, not to mention the pure energy beings / spirits that live with, alongside, and even sometimes inside us.

I’m astounded by how often I find the symptoms I am experiencing and that I witness others experience have energetic roots in pure, unadulterated entanglement. This means that much of the chaos, mood swings, illness, and suffering we endure comes from energies that are not our own. We take on emotions and vibrations and/or parasitic energetic relationships with other people (both living and dead) and other kinds of spirit beings that many of us aren’t even remotely aware of. But our naïveté does not protect us.

I hesitated to write about this because it is so easy to use information like this to reinforce a sense of being a victim of things and beings we cannot control. But it is precisely my intent to

confront this tendency in myself (and anyone who wants to listen) to feel messed with, irritated by and victimized by anyone or anything. We ARE sovereign and we CAN do something about it.

Indeed the polarity to being in complete ignorance of such potentially toxic relationships is to be utterly obsessed with the idea of being constantly attacked. Not consciously, mind you, but that still doesn’t stop it from happening. Neither viewpoint (ignorance or victimhood) gives you any sense of personal authority over your own body, mind or energy. As a practitioner of what could be accurately termed “shamanic” practices that bridge the seen and unseen worlds, I have to say right here that I have zero interest in being anyone’s ghost buster or exorcist. That doesn’t serve the individual, or myself. I don’t do extractions. Why? Because clearing an energy that hasn’t been consciously understood and integrated means it’s just going to come right back.

What I AM interested in is helping myself (and anyone who might find my experience helpful) to find the inner authority to determine what kind of relationships I or they want to have with any being, physical or energetic, living or dead. In practical terms, this means I often spend my “days off” using my dowsing skills to determine if, why, and how someone or something has triggered my habitual feelings of being fucked with.  If I am upset by someone, or some group, or some law or agreement, or some entirely non-human force of nature, then “they” are doing me the enormous favor of showing me some specific way I still give my authority over my own energy away.

I have some very specific tools that often help me identify who or what I have been affected by and how to reassert my authority to  determine exactly how I want to relate to those entities or energies. One of these tools is a detailed understanding of the anatomy of the energy structure that my physical body nests within. The other major tool is the energetic map called a bodygraph that is available through Human Design and the Gene Keys that shows the way my personality (electromagnetic field) and my body interact. My bodygraph also can show me how the habits I developed to adapt to events in my childhood can still trigger my lack of confidence in my authority to determine how I wish to relate to anyone or anything. This is something I offer to the people I work with as well; I help map this graph, identify past triggers and points in time where energies were entangled, and then help map a way to freedom and sovereignty. There is always a way through, and out.

Ultimately. I feel that the most personally empowered relationship I choose with anyone or any energy in the universe is that of the compassionate witness. When I can stand in relationship as equal, neither better or lesser, with no need or agenda to control anyone else’s behavior, then I can be useful if someone asks for my assistance. I can also be invisible, if I need to be, to any intentional or unintentional attempts to control me. 

Obviously, I’m still a work in progress, and these are just a few of my tools, but if you relate to feeling energetically messed with and you’d like help reclaiming your personal boundaries, I’d be honored to assist!

About the Author

David Kitts has been working in the healing arts for over 34 years. He found is way to this path after a near-fatal car accident at age 19. He is a licensed acupuncturist who can administer sessions remotely via a technique called Virtual Light Needle Acupuncture, and he’s extremely gifted at clearing unwanted energies in spaces and physical bodies. David is also an expert at Human Design and Gene Keys, which helps clients embody enormous and profound self-discovery and personal transformations. He teaches Energy Body Awareness, is a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, and he loves helping people feel whole, healed, and empowered.


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