Magical Mugwort: Unveiling Her Mystical Powers and Spiritual Guardianship

While there is magic in all plants, Mugwort’s specialness is something extra. With both gentleness and great power, she can assist in opening our intuitive gifts and connecting us to both the cosmic as well as our inner worlds. To me, she feels like a lifetime-long friend with whom I have been reunited. She’s got a wickedly playful sense of humor too. Come with me and let’s get to know this mystical mama a little bit better.

The Great Opener & Activator

I have come to believe that part of how she assists in opening our psychic abilities is through her particular nervine quality. She relieves tension in nerves and muscles and can open the pathways for energy to flow, but she also activates the nervous system. This does not show up in the way that stimulants do. Rather, she allows us to relax and be at ease in a way that helps to open our intuition as well as our ability to feel stable and safe to follow it.

The words that I have heard from her most repeatedly are “let it be easy” and “limitless.” The first utterance reminds me to settle into a state of being of allowing and connection. She brings on a state of reduced tension and the ability to let go of what stands in our way with effortlessness. Being in this state of openness widens our channels to invite in the more expansive and perceptive parts of ourselves, which brings us to a place where we can remember the limitless part of ourselves. The part that is both in our body but also in the stars. She reminds us of our cosmic connection and how to bring that into our body, connecting heaven and earth. 

Opening up the dream space and our connection to the spirit realms is another related superpower of Lady Artemisia. She enhances the clarity of dreams and connects our dream space to our waking consciousness. In doing so, she again merges the spirit world into our daily waking life. Her ability to flow between the earthly and cosmic realms with ease supports us in remembering this natural state of our own being.

The Great Reflector

It is not surprising that a spirit who thrives in the dream world would be associated with the moon. This correspondence shows up in her adoration for reflecting ourselves back to us. I found this to be one of her favorite ways to communicate, and during times on my Master Plant Dieta with her when she was not speaking directly, I became accustomed to looking for what she was reflecting to me. It could be the ways in which my thoughts run in patterns that exhaust me mentally or eating habits that tire my body. Anything that needed to be seen was often illuminated by seeing it outside of myself in order to see it within.

However, one day I was sitting with her tea and thinking about all of the things that I love about her. She’s funny, magical, and deeply connected to the spirit realms, yet also loves all beings of the earth and all of the ways that she is such a magnificent being. She then gently reminded me that she is associated with the moon, and all of the things that I was thinking about her were true of myself. In one moment, she burst my heart open with love for her being reflected back onto me, which just brought me to love her so much more in what seemed an endless cycle.

The Great Alchemist

As can be seen from that experience, Lady Mugwort has many ways to help us invite more light into our lives. This often comes in the form of releasing fears and diving into the shadow. I have encountered a few beings that are so adept at pulling out all of the boxes we don’t want to look into and turning them into gifts. Her gaze on all of the stress that we feel in our lives can melt it into grace. By reconnecting us with the peace within us that the higher parts of us always remember, our earthly selves can face challenges as if it were a playful game.

On a physical level, she contains the component Artemisinin which helps regulate periods by causing gentle contractions to induce menstruation and can also be used to induce labor. On a spiritual level, this is witnessed as her ability to open us up to a rebirth of ourselves. She works not only with the dreams that we have while awake but also in bringing to life the ones that we wish to manifest in this world.

The Great Regulator

As mentioned, I believe that a big part of the way Mugwort works with us relates to how she works with the nervous system. By regulating this system and bringing it into a state of homeostasis, she is able to create her magic. But it doesn’t stop there.

She also is powerful at supporting the regulation of the menstrual cycle and female hormones. While there are properties within her that assist in this ability, the regulated nervous system greatly promotes maintaining that state of hormonal balance.

Reflecting that outward, when our nervous system and hormones are regulated, so are our responses to stimuli. Physically this mirrors in the body the ways she works with our mind and spirit. Another benefit I’ve found ripples out from this is that in this physical, mental, and spiritual state of being, we are able to respond more clearly and calmly to people and situations in our lives. It’s amazing the impact that her effect on our body and spirit can open our relationships with other people, the earth, and all of her beings, and the cosmos of which we are an integral part.

The Great Spiritual Protector

While I could go on about all of the wonderful things that Mugwort can bring to us, the last one I would like to highlight is her incredible power of protection. In the body, she is magnificent at protecting against and removing parasites and can be used as a bug repellent. In her usual form, this expands to her energetic abilities to protect against parasitic energy, entities, and psychic attacks. As protective allies go, she is an absolute ace to have on your team, especially if you are dealing with parasitic energy on any level.

Known to some as just a witch’s herb or perhaps as a weed that grows along the side of the road, many may miss the amazing spirit that is Mugwort as they drive on by. However, if there was ever evidence that magic is all around us, she is the one to do so. I feel so blessed to have been welcomed back into deeply connecting with her spirit, and would encourage you to reach out to me and see what she has to share. 

If you find yourself interested in connecting to magical Mugwort, you might be interested in doing a Master Plant Dieta with us. This sacred and ancient practice will not only deepen your connection with sacred plant medicine but also your own inner power, wisdom, and healing.

About the Author

Lindsay Calliandra Rose is a Medicine Carrier, an accomplished herbalist, Plant Medicine integration specialist, and a woman with a profoundly sacred relationship with nature. She began her Plant Medicine journey many years ago with Ayahuasca and Huachuma, and she has completed multiple Master Plant Diets with beings like Rose, Bobinsana, Juniper, Jurema, Cacao, Oak, and Blue Water Lily. Lindsay is an initiated server and carrier of Hapéh. She now works as a preparation and integration guide for those answering the call to work with sacred medicines, and she is apprenticing in the art of guiding Master Plant Diets as well. She is a passionate advocate of safe and transformative experiences with the plants, and she loves helping people navigate these mysterious spaces with grace, love, and support.


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