Using Mushrooms to Achieve Fertility Health

A couple weeks ago when I was chatting briefly about my story of self-healing ovarian tumors and infertility on my Women of the Wild podcast, I mentioned that mushrooms were part of that healing path, as well as a number of other holistic routes, but it was the mushrooms that seemed to raise the most eyebrows and have the most questions flowing in about them and their uses and purposes, so I wanted to take a bit and discuss! 

It’s a very unique topic to dive into and as many of us know, there are MANY types of mushrooms out there in the world, and potentially even beyond this world. Which is fascinating in itself to think of. A little random fun fact for you: observations made on mushrooms grown in space show that they may actually thrive out there with no gravity to slow down the spread of spores. But, as cool as that is, that’s not what we’re here to talk about today. So, let's dive into the lovely hidden kingdom of mushrooms in regard to fertility. 

Mushrooms Have Been Used Ceremonially and Medicinally for Centuries

For centuries they have been used both medicinally and ceremonially in the support of fertility for both men and women. In ceremonial practices, they were and are used to connect a person with every part of their being and to allow a space of openness to observe the self in a new way. This deeply strengthened connection to the self offers the opportunity to see paths that might otherwise not even be considered when it comes to health and healing as well as opens portals of energy to allow it to once again move and exchange freely through the body and surrounding energies. This allows a person to tap into healing vibrations and frequencies that surround us and to place these into the parts of the being that need to be realigned. In some cases, they also allow for a deep emotional and mental healing and realigning. 

While in our modern world, it is more common that a person will choose to explore their inner worlds via ceremonial mushrooms themselves, in the past it was actually not common for an average person to use them in this way. The spiritual experience of working with these sacred beings was more often reserved for a shaman or medicine woman who would use them as a tool of navigation to better understand the needs of the individual who came to them looking for healing. The connection with the spirit, or energies, on offer was sacred and this ensured that it was treated as such. Although things have changed a bit in recent times, anyone who chooses to work with these beings should always keep in mind the true value and gifts that they offer and treat the opportunity with great respect. This respectful relationship allows for deeper inner growth rather than a potentially negative experience. 

Sacred Mushrooms Address Latent Traumas and Clear Stagnant Energies That Can Affect Fertility

The truth is the vast majority of us have traumas that deeply affect us. The memories of these are imprinted within us and sit, coursing poison through our souls and this in turn can transmute to physical and emotional illness. Working with sacred mushrooms, in the correct and safe setting, can absolutely offer the opportunity to reach inside and address these long-buried traumas, clear old stagnant energy, and create new neural pathways in the mind which allow for healing. And it is very much my personal belief that a healthy mind creates a healthy body. 

But we are not here to only speak of the intriguing possibilities of ceremonial mushrooms. These are certainly not an all-for-one and one for all type of thing to work with and many people may have a greater interest in the medicinal side. Medicinal mushrooms are readily available and perfectly legal anywhere and so are a much simpler and yet still very effective option for many when it comes to healing. Where ceremonial mushrooms open the mind and energies and empower a person to self-explore via new pathways, thereby thinking of and creating specialized modes of healing, the medicinal mushrooms do the actual work of healing physical aspects of the body once the illness or blockage is brought to light. 

Cordycep, Reishi and Maitake Mushrooms Are Beneficial in Balancing Hormones to Achieve Conception

When it comes to fertility one of the best-known medicinal mushrooms is cordyceps. These mushrooms are rather fascinating in the way that they multiply by taking over the bodies of ants and other insects, and then bursting free of their exoskeletons at the most opportune moment to allow their spores to spread. These beautiful little fruit bodies are then harvested and are able to be used by humans. Cordyceps increase levels of progesterone in women and testosterone in men and are thereby quite beneficial to those who possibly have conscious conception on their mind and are looking to ensure the balance of their hormones. 

Cordyceps aren’t the only mushrooms that are beneficial as fertility support. Both reishi and maitake can be used to support hormone balance and improve healthy ovulation cycles in women. Shitake are a traditional delicacy in Japan, Korea, and China and are proven to support healthy circulation which is vital to the health of the reproductive system as well as the immune system. 

The shitake mushrooms in particular have been proven to support the body in reducing tumor growth and uterine fibroids. Personally, these were of great use to me in my own healing which began with working to eliminate malignant ovarian tumors. (If you want to chat more about the details regarding my healing journey, or discuss the possibility of beginning your own with some expert guidance you can reach me here)

Another incredibly cool aspect of using mushrooms as medicine as opposed to Western routes of healing is that (as long as you aren’t allergic of course) there are no known side effects. The use of psilocybin aka ceremonial mushrooms is a bit of a different story as they haven't been studied extensively enough to know if there are risks or side effects. This is due to them being so newly accepted by our western culture (and still considered illegal in many places). It is advised to consider and go with your gut instinct if you do live in an area where they are legal, and you choose to explore this route.

Speaking to or working alongside someone who has already been down this road and is experienced in working with them is a wonderful way to fully connect to your own power in the safest and most beneficial way possible. None of us are alone on our journeys. To watch a webinar on the topic, visit "The Magical Power of Healing Mushrooms". 

Love & gratitude from my path to yours.

About the Author

Trained in Aryuvedic medicine, neuroscience, mycology and cymatics, as well as a highly advanced Yoga practitioner, Jenni began her journey with natural medicines due to a devastating ovarian cancer diagnosis at an extremely young age. The Western world denied her any opportunity for healing, but her intuition guided her to form a deep relationship with Mushrooms, which turned out to not only save her life, but also help her tap into her true passion. Jenni is now dedicated to helping people understand the complex and magical experiences available with sacred medicines. She’s an incredible ally to all those who have been dismissed and abandoned by allopathic medicine.


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