A Master Plant Dieta with Queen Rose

Five years ago, I was with a group preparing for ceremony together, and a very palpable presence was in the space. A woman there was engaged with a Rose dieta, and every one of us felt it. All weekend we drank rose tea, and rose’s medicine was everywhere in the room. I did not know then she would become my main plant ally, but as she shared through an oracle card during my second of 3 diets with her, “You are led, You are led, You are led.” If you have arrived at this page, then you have been called as well.

I will reveal some of the wisdoms and superpowers rose offers, particularly when deep in the sacred container of a master plant dieta with her. She is incredibly dynamic and multi-faceted, but I will give you a taste of what she has shared with me after first outlining what exactly a master plant diet is. 

What is a Master Plant Dieta?

When we commit to doing a master plant dieta, we open a connection with the spirit of the plant and merge with that spirit in our body and energy during our time together. This is a partnership, and we often refer to it as a marriage with the plant. As such, there are things that we give to this relationship which include the restrictions and things that we avoid as well as what we agree to bring to the union with our plant ally. Restrictions include things like salt, sugar, pork and red meat, dairy, gluten, and most spices, onions, and citrus. This helps us to clear and open our channels and allows a deeper union with our plant guide. We also abstain from alcohol and any drugs, any psychoactive plants, including cannabis with the exceptions of ayahuasca or huachuma in particular cases. We also avoid dark media and sexual contact with self or others. That may seem like a lot to give up, but this is a partnership with so much that we also receive by committing to the dieta and focusing on the healing properties of a single plant.

To prepare, we set intentions for what we want to learn from and work on with the plant and share with them what we want to give them back in return. My favorite way to do this is writing a love letter to them as it feels more personal. Regardless of what form it takes, these intentions will provide a framework for the process and relationship with the plant. The two main forms this takes are called Isolated Dietas and Soft or Social Dietas.

An Isolated Master Plant Dieta

Typically done in a remote location with your practitioner and often including work with ayahuasca, an isolated diet is often easier for deep work with your plant guide and is typically 1-2 weeks. I have found that when you return home, the integration can be intense as your triggers are back at your doorstep, so I try to give myself at least a few days to rest before returning to work or social events. To learn more about this form of dieting plants, check out this video by Kat Courtney. 

Social Master Plant Dietas, or “Dieta Suave”

These diets are certainly not for the faint of heart as they are often more intense than an isolated one. Because you are at home in your life during a soft diet, you are constantly surrounded by all of the things that you are healing and working with your plant on. Your practitioner is also connected to you remotely, so you may have calls, Zoom meetings, emails, etc, with them depending on the person with which you are working. Because you are still actively involved in your life, these diets typically run longer, at least 2 weeks but can go a month or more. I love both methods of dieting, but being in the loving space of a held container with your plant guide while also walking in your daily life feels particularly intimate to me. These can be more accessible to people as you do not have to plan to be away from home.

At PMP, we have a few coaches, including myself, that are trained and capable of holding a safe container for you to do a social master plant dieta. We offer preparation support, opening the dieta portal by singing the plant in, regularly checking your connection with the plant spirit and sending protection, closing at the completion of the diet, and being available during integration. This before, during, and after care is essential and, unfortunately, not always a part of what is offered by other groups. If this is something you are interested in, you can click on my PMP coaching page for more information or to book with me.

Virtual Group Social Master Plant Dietas

If you want to do a social dieta while also getting the connection with a tribe often experienced in isolated dietas, then the group social diets may be the option you are looking for. Participants have their individual diet opened and closed on their own time by one of the practitioners, but are all dieting the same plant for about 3 weeks. We come together for weekly tribal Zoom calls, and then have a final call together for integration. Check out our current courses tab for upcoming group diet offerings.

What Does a Master Plant Rose Dieta Offer?

Let’s get back to the lady of the hour! Rose embodies Goddess energy and the Divine Feminine, as is evidenced by the various lineages and esoteric traditions in which she has a central role. From the Fibonacci sequence of her flower petals to the extensive array of symbolism she has held through time, the power within her essence is undeniable. Yet, in our modern society, we often give her bouquets with flowers not yet opened, which reflects the fact that we have forgotten much of the wisdom and power of this being. One smell of a fully blooming heirloom rose will hint at what is hidden about her in plain sight.

On my third dieta with her, she insisted on reminding me that she is a nervine. She has an incredible power to be soothing to the nervous system and invite us into the more tender parts of ourselves. She calls us back into our bodies to fully feel what is there, and to be present with the wisdom of our physical being. She will call us to self-compassion in a way that demonstrates the importance of this and how when we deny ourselves this care we become depleted. It is common for people to fall into caring so much for others that we forget to take care of ourselves first. This pull back into the body is just one way she reveals how we have not given ourselves what we need and deserve. Along with that she illuminates the underlying feelings of obligation to give something in order to receive or deserve care, and she will not stand for that. 

As a heart medicine, she can open our hearts deeply. While this sounds wonderful, it means that everything held inside our hearts will come up to be seen. She can teach us self-love by guiding us to self-care and taking time to be gentle with ourselves. I call this her Mother Mary side as it is the soft, mothering energy that makes us feel held and comforted. However, just as the rose has soft and beautiful flowers, she also has thorns, and if you come at her with disrespect, she will cut you with them. I refer to these as her Kali Maa swords, and I have felt her connection to this warrior goddess many times. Those thorns represent sacred boundaries, and this side of the divine feminine demands respect and acknowledgment of these boundaries, self-worth, empowerment, and the right to feel our innate wildness.  

Rose Medicine: Divine Feminine Duality

The thing is, there is no real separation between what we have come to see as the light Mother Mary side of divine feminine and the dark Kali Maa side. In fact, in the Catholic faith, Mother Mary is not only the queen of the angels but also a demon slayer and is the first one called in for exorcisms. And while Kali Maa may be best known for slaying demons, drinking blood, and for her warrior abilities and wildness, she is also an aspect of the mother goddess Shakti. She is a warrior of loving embodiment of the fullness of who we are. This is all the goddess, and as such, is all a part of rose medicine. She is the Queen of Duality, and, therefore, also the Queen of Unity. Perhaps the most beautiful part is that she reflects all of this back to us as aspects of ourselves. We are soft and sweet, wild and fierce, able to create and give birth, yet have the capacity to slay those who deny our power or forces trying to diminish us. Each one of us contains all of the elements of the divine feminine and rose is overjoyed to be a mirror to all of that for us so that we may also embody it.

She is also aces for inner child work and dealing with childhood trauma. Deeply connecting to the places that have experienced pain, judgment, and shame when we were young is not always the easiest, but rose has a special way of opening those boxes. She won’t let you turn away from what she knows is needed for your healing, but she will also surround you with her loving embrace as everything held pours out. While unafraid of darkness and surfacing all that we have forced down within us, she is a master of transmutation and finding empowerment in the very things restraining and diminishing us.

With a direct connection to the womb space, she can help heal sexual trauma and all of the suffering held in this place. I had her bring to my awareness the trauma from my actual birth as I was very premature. While this was addressed more deeply in a later diet, it was her that unearthed how much my first days of life impacted every single relationship I have, how I see myself, and how I show up in the world. Her divine mother essence guides us to reparent ourselves, and she can assist in healing ancestral trauma as well.

Rose Diet and the Living Resurrection

My absolute favorite superpower of Queen Rose, is the Living Resurrection. As I mentioned, she is a master of duality and unity, which enables her to alchemize our relationships to both life and death in addition to the liminal space between. Digging into that infinite potential of the womb, where we are living but not yet born, holding the essence of creation yet not pushed out from the mother into the material world, is a realm that Rose adores and holds incredible wisdom. If this interests you, I wrote another blog outlining this amazing Living Resurrection energy with Rose here.

Lastly, when dieting a plant, we frequently connect by drinking the tea daily in meditation. With Rose, we can drink her as much as we are called because she is so good for the body. A great source for her petals and buds is Mountain Rose Herbs. I have adored finding handmade rose soaps, eating the rose petals from my tea cup, adding rose essential oil to baths and sprays, and putting rosehip oil on my face. The possibilities with her are as diverse as her wisdom and abilities!

Is the Queen calling to you? If you are interested in a master plant diet with her or another master plant teacher, reach out to me to discuss the possibilities. I am forever grateful to Rose and my other plant allies, and I would be overjoyed to assist you in deepening your relationship with plant medicines.

If you’re interested in exploring the purpose of other master plant dietas, read our blog on dieting sage, A Master Plant Diet with Sage: Clearing Energy With Her Gentle, Firm Guidance. If you’re curious to do a social dieta of your own, apply and click here for more information. We’d love to have you!

About the Author

Lindsay Calliandra Rose is a Medicine Carrier, an accomplished herbalist, Plant Medicine integration specialist, and a woman with a profoundly sacred relationship with nature. She began her Plant Medicine journey many years ago with Ayahuasca and Huachuma, and she has completed multiple Master Plant Diets with beings like Rose, Bobinsana, Juniper, Jurema, Cacao, Oak, and Blue Water Lily. Lindsay is an initiated server and carrier of Hapéh. She now works as a preparation and integration guide for those answering the call to work with sacred medicines, and she is apprenticing in the art of guiding Master Plant Diets as well. She is a passionate advocate of safe and transformative experiences with the plants, and she loves helping people navigate these mysterious spaces with grace, love, and support.

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