Vomitivos: Plants (and a Frog!) That Help Us Purge What Ails Us

By now, much of the world is aware of the magic of Ayahuasca and her primary method of moving energy via the powerful purge. I’ve interviewed thousands of people in the 20 years I’ve worked with Mama Medicine prior to a ceremony, and one of the most prevalent fears is the purge itself. Vomiting is like a mini-death; it’s an out-of-control experience that often involves at least a few moments of panic and fear.

This incredible experience is one of the core ways Ayahuasca helps us heal. It’s not like the experiences we have when we’ve drank too much alcohol and are bowing to the porcelain gods – that feels like getting sick. Purging with the sacred plants is a process we call Getting Well.

A vomitivo is the shamanic word for the process of working with a cleansing plant through the experience of purging. While Ayahuasca is the most famous vomitivo, she’s not the only one. There are several core plants and one animal medicine that are ideal for a full body, even cellular cleanse. While it’s not necessarily a “good time” to be face first into a bucket for an hour or two, the resulting breakthrough energies are oh-so worth it. Let’s explore the different shamanic plants used for purging, the risks involved, and the myriad of benefits.

The Ayahuasca Purge: Why it’s So Healing

I realize the idea of sitting in a ceremonial circle with strangers and vomiting your traumas, toxicities, and emotional blockages into a bucket may sound horrifying, but I promise it’s an absolutely beautiful process. Ayahuasca has very snake-like energy, and part of her gift to humanity is this ability to find the things that are trapped inside of us and bring them to the surface. That could be purging, laughing, crying, sweating, itching, burping, pooping, shaking, or otherwise moving/oozing! In our ceremonies, if you do TWO of the above at the same time, we call it a Gold Star Ceremony. Hit three or more all at once, and you’ve gone Platinum. The more we release, the better we will feel in the aftermath!

The interesting thing about Ayahuasca is that she is not classified as an official purgative, meaning it is not in any way guaranteed that consuming her will result in vomiting. It’s completely and utterly unpredictable. Some nights the entire room lights up in purging; other nights, it’s a rarity. She knows what we need when we need it and how to co-create it with us. This is part of her wildly special intelligence.

Other Sacred Plants That Bring on a Healing Purge

Ayahuasca is not the only plant with that magical kundalini purging goodness; there are several other jungle masters that help us clear out the toxins and blockages. Here are some of the most well-known and powerful purging plant friends:

  • Sacred Tobacco: There is nothing like an inside-out healing purge from Grandfather Tobacco. Although he can induce this release via the shamanic snuff called Rapéh, he is most famous for cleansing us with his potent Tobacco Tea. Please note drinking tobacco is VERY dangerous to do without a trained and knowledgeable shaman, as the body absorbs a lot of nicotine in the process, and dosage is essential. When you are gifted Mapacho (jungle tobacco) tea from a shaman who loves this plant spirit, anything is possible in terms of healing. A Mapacho purge is profoundly deep, and he helps clean us on a cellular level. The half-life of Tobacco is very short, so a tea ceremony is typically just a couple of hours, but wow, what an empowering, purifying process this is. Mapacho cleanses are often given before Ayahuasca ceremonies, as this helps maximize the experience with Mama Medicine too.

  • Lemongrass: This mighty plant is not just a delicious addition to Asian dishes; she’s a cleansing powerhouse too. Lemongrass is often given in place of Tobacco for a purification ritual, as many folks have an aversion to Grandfather Mapacho. Lemongrass must be wild-crafted or organically grown, and the participant must drink a substantial amount of Lemongrass water/tea in order to experience the effects. Just like Mapacho, Lemongrass can help us clear physical toxicities as well as emotional traumas.

  • Sangre de Drago (Dragon’s Blood): If you’ve ever participated in a Kambo ritual (I’ll discuss Froggie more below), then you’re likely familiar with Sangre de Drago; this incredible plant is a godsend for wounds and burns, and as such, is used in the aftermath of Kambo sessions to help protect and heal the gate marks on our skin. What you may not know is that Sangre de Grado is also an incredible vomitivo. This fiery, energizing, extremely powerful plant ally is also used in sacred cleansing ceremonies and has many of the same properties in this context as Mapacho tea.

There are many, many other plants that induce purging, but these are the most common in shamanic spaces.

Kambo: The Purging Force of an Amazonian Frog

A list of jungle-purging allies would never be complete without a big nod to the Giant Monkey Frog, the mystical being from which Kambo is sourced. Kambo is the secretion of our Froggie friend; since this being has no predators, the Monkey Frog is a fearless, curious amphibian, and he shares this vibration with the humans lucky enough to work with him. Kambo is applied via superficial burns, called “gates”, and within minutes, can bring on a massive purge. In addition to helping us cleanse and purify, Kambo medicine has multiple peptides and other alkaloids that are incredibly healing. 

Kambo helps with inflammation, GI issues, every conceivable type of pain, and he even clears what shamans call “Panema” – which is the dark, heavy energy a lot of us go through that is akin to a black raincloud. Panema is another name for the sadness, melancholy, and stagnant energies we often carry after big traumas or a series of smaller ones. The deep, beautifully intense purging process with Kambo is a massive movement of energy, which is a gift for the body, mind, and spirit!

Please note that the vomitivos celebrated here should never, ever be worked with solo; since there are many physical and emotional prerequisites to diving into a purging process, one should only work with a highly experienced and trained shamanic practitioner for any of the above. But if you’re looking for a true purification reset, these rainforest angels are an absolute blessing.

Happy purging, everyone!

If you’re ready to join us for a sacred Plant Medicine retreat and want to experience your own blast of cleansing and healing, check out our current list of shamanic retreats here. Come purge with us anytime!

NEXT BLOG: Huachuma: Divine Masculine Medicine and the Pathway Back to Our Hearts

About the Author

Tina “Kat Courtney is a traditionally trained Ayahuasquera and Huachumera; she apprenticed for over a decade in the Shipibo-Conibo and Quechua-Lamista traditions. She’s the author of Plant Medicine Mystery School Vol 1: The Superhero Healing Powers of Psychotropic Plants. Kat is a pioneer in the Psychedelic Integration space, as well as an expert in cultivating life-changing relationships with plant spirits. She leads Master Plant Diets both in person and remotely and is available for coaching and consults about this and all shamanic topics. Kat is also a certified Death Doula, honored to help people make peace with the inevitable and beautiful transition into the afterlife. She has spent her adult life cultivating a bonded and trusting relationship with the darkness, and she’d love to help you do the same.


Master Plant Dietas


A Master Plant Dieta with Queen Rose