The Living Resurrection: My Favorite Superpower, Queen Rose

As the hours of sunlight have dwindled these past few months, I have struggled to find the time and energy to write, and the weeks and weeks have rolled by in a blur of darkness. Life has also been eventful, which is a blessing, but it has left me exhausted and barely getting my day to day tasks completed if that. As we have passed the winter solstice, the vitality is seeping back up from the cold and wet earth. This rebirth, one of many in this lifetime, not surprisingly corresponds to the weeks leading up to my third dieta with Queen Rose.

Rose is a central teacher for me, and she loves to come strongly into my field to set down some preliminary work before each dive together. This timing could not be more perfect, as she is a master of the cycles- allowing parts of ourselves and lives to die away to be held again in the womb from where all potential creation is born and reborn. As I reside in this liminal space between incarnations of myself, I have learned to be thankful for these moments. Through her guidance, I have come to find comfort in the discomfort of not being who or what I was yet also not born into what I am becoming. It is in this space that she has the capacity to show me that I am always all of it.

There is no birth and death. And yet, there is. They are just dualistic mechanisms by which we experience the all that can be lived in this realm. The gift then is to fully embrace these deaths as the only way to fully embrace life. The only place that we can completely experience understanding and being of all of it is in this liminal womb space where rose is a champion.

And here is where creativity returns. The months of wordlessness and lack of deep clarity melt away as I am held here with her. Yet the incredible, multidimensional, and multifaceted spirit that is rose reminds me that none of this can exist without birthing. Without the screamingly painful and confusing process of being torn from this womb space, we cannot bring all of this knowing into body.

Here, in embodiment, arises her next revelation. See in that womb all things are potential, but it is in being born that they become real, tangible, and conscious. The painful, messy, and nonetheless beautiful process of moving from being one with our mother to being pushed out of her to our first breath as an individual being offers us the opportunity to bring all of that energetic possibility into flesh and blood reality. It requires us to be forged into a world of duality- merged with the breath of life and torn from death- to become human in body, to bring spirit into form, energy into matter, and consciousness into being.

Yet even as I write this, she the Queen of Duality, giggles at the thought of separation. She laughs because it is the separation that allows us the gift of being able to remember the unity we have always been. Through the process of remembering that so many mystery schools speak of we come to fully embody that unity- the masculine and the feminine, earth and sky, body and spirit- while still existing in body in this dualistic reality. Hence, the separation supplies the opportunity for mergence, and rose has been central to mystery traditions for her mastery of teaching us this as well as many other aspects of her magic. She reminds us that our body is a sacred vessel as it is as much divinity as it is of the earth.

To illuminate this, she has also been reminding me of the inscription on the temple of Edfu in Egypt which says (roughly translated) that we will keep building temples until you remember that you are the temple.  In essence, these teachers and structures will only be needed until we embody the great mystery that we are the magic and unity of everything. All that ever was and will be lives and breathes in each cell of our body as much as every drop of water and every speck of stardust. The entirety of the multiverse is the womb as is the world into which we are born from it.  While this can be difficult linguistically to get our minds around, we can come to a place in our hearts where we can feel it experientially. And rose is a wonderful guide on that journey. 

While she has an absolute mastery of duality, what you often hear associated with rose is love. While she can offer magnificent guidance on relationships and has helped me strengthen many of my own, she shines the greatest light on our relationship with our self. This is the most important relationship that we have as it will influence and be reflected onto every other relationship, and it again goes back into the womb and the great remembering. 

Often, I have heard people who are dieting rose speak of her doing work with our inner child, which she does with grace.  However, she also has the power to take us all of the way back to remembering our divine essence, all that we are and have been, which we access most completely through connecting to the womb. This can mean the literal womb for women, the spiritual womb of the divine feminine within us all, or the liminal space we are all able to connect to because we are never actually disconnected from it. They are all different approaches to connecting to the same energetic frequency with which we can experience both our wholeness and emptiness, being and nonbeing, timelessness and all of the lives we have ever lived.  Queen rose is a most adept guide at helping us go as deep into this space as we allow ourselves to go, and perhaps most importantly, to bring that remembrance back into the present moment, within this body, as ourselves.

And while I love all of the self-empowerment, deepening of relationships, and many other aspects of our life and healing that rose can help us with, it is this dive back into the womb and rebirthing ourselves while already alive that to me is the most potent. It is the gift from her I will treasure for all of my lifetimes.

To read more on the lessons from from rose and oak, read “The Duality and Unity Between Duality and Unity: Lessons from Rose and Oak”, visit the Afterlife Coach website to learn more about an upcoming 3 week small group dieta, or visit our Plant Dieta page.

About the Author

Lindsay Calliandra Rose is a Medicine Carrier, an accomplished herbalist, Plant Medicine integration specialist, and a woman with a profoundly sacred relationship with nature. She began her Plant Medicine journey many years ago with Ayahuasca and Huachuma, and she has completed multiple Master Plant Diets with beings like Rose, Bobinsana, Juniper, Jurema, Cacao, Oak, and Blue Water Lily. Lindsay is an initiated server and carrier of Hapéh. She now works as a preparation and integration guide for those answering the call to work with sacred medicines, and she is apprenticing in the art of guiding Master Plant Diets as well. She is a passionate advocate of safe and transformative experiences with the plants, and she loves helping people navigate these mysterious spaces with grace, love, and support.


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