What Healing Looks Like

A person's “story” consists of many continually moving parts. When you are called to begin sharing it, it can be difficult to know where to begin or to pinpoint what might be most helpful or useful. Our natural rhythm may be tempted to start at the beginning, but I have decided to begin sharing mine in no particular order. Instead I will tell my tale in pieces much like a puzzle, placing together what fits as I find it. 

This is the same approach I took to my healing in general. When you are healing there is no right order. There is no proper succession of things to accomplish to get from point A to point B. The reason for this is that every person is different, every person's pain and trauma and journey to becoming whole is as unique as their past and as unexpected as each moment of their future. We can take pieces that suit us from other’s experiences and use these bits of wisdom to learn and grow while discarding the bits that don't fit into our personal journey. 

This is why we are connected with one another, and why we cross paths at the perfect times: to learn from each other. Our experience is a gift that allows us to share wisdom and to act as mirrors for one another. When we can see ourselves through the eyes of another it is in this sharing, in this connection, with this inspiration and collective wisdom, where we can find healing and wholeness within our own being. 

Our journey to healing is personal and should be tailored to reflect each individual. This is how I work with those who come to me. There is no one size fits all. There is no quick fix, class, medicine, or one set routine that works for everyone. What there is instead is dedication, time exploring and unpacking, loving support, encouragement and knowledge shared that is specifically focused on a person’s very unique needs. This is why I fell in love with healing as an art. It allows me to take all of my moving pieces and use them to benefit others. And in turn they can take the experience they have with me and use it to possibly benefit someone else. It is deep, heart centered healing that I focus on, a healing that creates ripples of love that will last over generations. This is the work I was called to do. This is my purpose.  

If you would like to hear me share a new piece of my story about my journey into using mushrooms as medicine you can give a listen here.

Connect with me to heal together.

About the Author

Trained in Aryuvedic medicine, neuroscience, mycology and cymatics, as well as a highly advanced Yoga practitioner, Jenni began her journey with natural medicines due to a devastating ovarian cancer diagnosis at an extremely young age. The Western world denied her any opportunity for healing, but her intuition guided her to form a deep relationship with Mushrooms, which turned out to not only save her life, but also help her tap into her true passion. Jenni is now dedicated to helping people understand the complex and magical experiences available with sacred medicines. She’s an incredible ally to all those who have been dismissed and abandoned by allopathic medicine.


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