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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Cannabis Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Cannabis Tina Kat Courtney

Microdosing with Cannabis

By Neil Kirwan—In this blog, we’ll dive into the mysteries of microdosing Cannabis. Understand this powerful feminine plant and her multifaceted healing potential. The spiritual depths and medicinal wonders of Cannabis can get tricky if we don’t approach her with mindfulness. Learn how to avoid escapism and approach her with respect and integration.

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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Integration Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Integration Tina Kat Courtney

Somatic Psychedelic Integration: The Wisdom of the Body

By Natalhie Ruiz - Move through a journey of healing and empowerment with Ayahuasca and the importance of somatic integration. Learn how to unlock your body's wisdom and take control of your healing process to navigate deep-rooted trauma that is stuck in the body. Grow from challenging Plant Medicine ceremonies by integrating your experience through somatic healing.

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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Master Plant Diet Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Master Plant Diet Tina Kat Courtney

What It’s Like Being on A Master Plant Dieta

By Lindsay Calliandra Rose - In this blog, explore the transformative journey of master plant dietas as we delve into the profound connections formed with plant spirits. From the physical and mental realms to the depths of emotions and spirituality, discover the unique experiences of merging with these wise allies.

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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Mushrooms Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Mushrooms Tina Kat Courtney

Shrooms and Anxiety: How Magic Mushrooms Mend the Mind

By Natalhie Ruiz - Embark on a transformative journey with Magic Mushrooms as a powerful ally on your path to healing and self-discovery. Delve into the magic of Mushroom healing, understanding their potential to rewire the brain, promote neuroplasticity, and bring about positive shifts in mental health. Discover the playful side of Mushrooms as teachers, offering insights, guidance, and healing anxiety.

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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Ayahuasca Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Ayahuasca Tina Kat Courtney

Why the Ayahuasca Purge is One of the Best Parts of Ceremony

By Maureen Walsh - Learn how to embrace the power of the Ayahuasca Purge – an integral part of the ceremony that often holds people back due to fear. This insightful journey explores the fears surrounding sickness and purging, emphasizing the healing benefits that follow. The purge is a deep and thorough cleansing on physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual levels, encompassing various forms of release and deep healing.

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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Ayahuasca, Huachuma Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Ayahuasca, Huachuma Tina Kat Courtney

Ayahuasca and Huachuma: The Divine Feminine and Masculine Union

By Maureen Walsh - Explore the profound journey of Ayahuasca and Huachuma, the Divine Feminine and Masculine Union. Discover the unique qualities and healing powers of these sacred medicines, how they help uncover deep traumas and offer breathtaking beauty. Learn how their harmonious interplay leads to inner balance and alignment.

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Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Ayahuasca Tina Kat Courtney Plant Medicine, Natural Healing, Ayahuasca Tina Kat Courtney

What It Takes To Be A Safe Ayahuasca Guide

By Neil Kirwan - Discover the essential qualities of a trustworthy Ayahuasca guide in this insightful blog written by an experienced and trained facilitator. Learn about the significance of lineage, authentic intentions, humility, and a strong relationship with the plant medicine. Understand the commitment to self-awareness and trauma-informed practices that create safe and transformative ceremonies.

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