Plant Medicine Mystery School Level 1, Group 20
at 8 am PT / 11 am ET / 5 pm CET
Course Summary
Designed for all brave souls reawakening their love and connection to nature spirits, with special emphasis on sacred plants like Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Cannabis and Magic Mushrooms. This 9 week live online course is a mystical journey through shamanic lineages, led by Kat Courtney, a Medicine Woman with indigenous training and 20 years of experience guiding shamanic ceremonies.
Learn the ideologies of lineages like the Shipibo-Conibo and Chavin cultures, as well as how to create a safe and sacred container, the ancient energetic art of protection, the process of embarking on a Master Plant Diet, how to work with shadow plants and harm magic, and so much more. This is a sincere shamanic dive into the mysteries of consciousness, led by the teachings of the Master Plants.
COST $699
Course Details
This Level 1 course will consist of 9 weekly 90 minute Zoom sessions where course material is presented with Q&A, and 8 weekly 60 minute Tribal Gatherings for informal discussions and sharing circles
Classes will take place each Thursday at 8 am PT / 11 am ET / 5 pm CET, and Tribal Gatherings will happen Monday at the same time, all via Zoom
A Maximum of 20 participants will participate so a very intimate connection is possible for all
All classes and gatherings are recorded for those who can’t attend live - you can participate live each week, or go at your own pace
BONUS - All interested participants will be initiated in the art of self-serving Hapeh/Rapeh, the shamanic tobacco snuff utilized by multiple South American shamanic tribes.
EXTRA BONUS - After the 8 weeks of the course are completed, the Tribe celebrates their accomplishments with a sacred Virtual Hapeh Ceremony, full of music, healing, and heart-spaced connectedness.
THIS IS MORE THAN A COURSE - It’s also a community that you are invited to be part of forever more. We have monthly free Zoom meetups to talk about our experiences in the space, and to support each other in navigating this wild and wonderful path. All Level 1 graduates are members of the PMMS community :)
All graduates will be eligible to attend the Level 2 and Level 3 courses
A Sampling of Topics and Talking Points
This course will cover a gigantic variety of shamanic topics, plus Kat welcomes any and all questions about related subjects. She will customize classes to meet the intentions and requests of all tribe members. Here is a selection of highlighted teachings:
Shamanic Cosmology - Discussions into the beliefs of lineages like the Shipibo-Conibo and Mestizo indigenous traditions.
The Art of Protection - Details on working with dark energies/spirits, how to defend black magic, plus in-depth information on creating a safe and protected container to connect with plant medicine spirits.
Plant Spirit Communication - Kat will share a powerful, 11 step process that allows participants to literally communicate with any plant spirit in the world.
Master Plants - Who and what they are, how to work with them in a traditional master plant dieta, and the details of this miraculous experience of merging with plant spirits.
The Mysterious and Magical Shamanic Path - Various ways to contribute to the shamanic arts, and the many magical occupations that exist for those who have the calling.
Working with Sacred Tobacco - Formulating a powerful relationship with the bridge-builder between the tangible and intangible spaces
Harm Magic and Shadow Plants - What is black/harm magic, and how do we protect ourselves from? Understanding our relationship with the darkness, and how to stay safe and empowered when working with the most terrifying energies / journeys.
All About the Entheogens - Glorious discussions about the superpowers, archetypes, energies, and challenges of all the major and lesser known entheogens, including Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Peyote, Iboga, Cannabis, Magic Mushrooms/Psilocybin, Bufo, Kambo, Blue Lotus, and many more.
SPECIAL NOTE: If these topics seem familiar but you are called to this community, you are welcome to join Level 2 instead - click here to see the list of topics we cover in that course.
Who This Course Was Designed For
If these attributes sound like you, the Plant Medicine Mystery School will light you up:
You’re in love with the shamanic path, and you want to learn more about connecting and communicating with plant consciousness
You’re curious about learning shamanic lineages, indigenous wisdoms, and ancient teachings
You’ve either sat with or plan to sit with powerful entheogens like Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Magic Mushrooms, Iboga, and the psychotropic powerhouses of the world
You want to keep learning how to make this path joyful, graceful, healing, and FUN
You’re on a healing journey and you want to learn more about how this path helps heal us, and make our lives better
You want to learn esoteric wisdoms, not just academic ones
You’re called to be of service in this space and you want to learn from a woman who has walked this path for 20 years, and an incredible community of like-minded people
You want to be part of a community of souls who love nature, healing, and expanding their awareness and consciousness!
Schedule, Cost, and Registration
PMMS Level 1 Group 20 launches June 12th, 2025 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET via Zoom. The course will continue through April 13th, 2025 (date of the Virtual Hapeh ceremony).
6/12 - Class #1: An Introduction to Plant Consciousness and Shamanic Ideologies
6/16 - Tribal Gathering #1
6/19 - Class #2: Communicating with Plant Consciousness
6/23 - Tribal Gathering #2
6/26 - Class #3: Sacred Tobacco; Setting Intentions and the Power of Prayer
6/30 - Tribal Gathering #3
7/3 - Class #4: Master Plant Dietas; Merging with Plant Spirits
7/7 - Tribal Gathering #4
7/9 (WEDNESDAY this week) - Class #5: The Superhero Healing Powers of Entheogens
7/22 (TUESDAY this week) - Tribal Gathering #5
7/24 - Class #6: The Art of Spiritual Protection
7/28 - Tribal Gathering #6
7/31 - Class #7: Tales from the Dark Side of Plants + Shadow Work
8/4 - (2.5 weeks off since Kat will be at a retreat) Tribal Gathering #7
8/7 - Class #8: The Shamanic Path; Illuminating Your Next Step
8/11- Tribal Gathering #8
8/13 (WEDNESDAY this week) - Virtual Rapéh Ceremony and Graduation Celebration
Cost for the entire 9 week course experience including Virtual Hapeh Ceremony (a total of 22.5 hours of live training and support) is $699.
Click register below to pay in full or in 4 installments, or email us here or access our contact page to ask any questions or request additional financial assistance. We will do everything we can to make this accessible to you!
Course Testimonial
“The one Time I can state proudly I trusted myself to trust the right Lead. Kat Courtney is a Teacher and a Master, but her humble demeanor would slap my wrist for saying this (but she truly is). She is the real deal- vulnerable, honest, inclusive. This class was an Eye Opener, Empowering, Educative, Building, Integrative, Fun, Exciting, Interactive, Humbling, Real, Saving, Complete. while attracting a tribe of Incredible super(s)heroes to join in the fun. This class is the educative tool that anyone from beginner, be-curious, advance, in transition practitioners/facilitators need. Kat speaks clearly with no falsehood around. A needed voice in an era of too many information and misinformation floating around. Concise, straight to the point. I loved every second of it. I am so ready for part 2.” - Rev. Carole, Medicine Woman and Level 1&2&3 PMMS graduate
Course Leader Kat Courtney
Kat Courtney, author of Plant Medicine Mystery School Vol 1: The Superhero Healing Powers of Psychotropic Plants, began her entheogenic studies in the Peruvian Amazon in 2006, under the protection of the late, great Don Howard Lawler; one of the most powerful and esteemed Huachumeros who has ever walked the Earth. Kat attended dozens and dozens of Ayahuasca and Huachuma ceremonies with Howard and Don Rober Acho at SpiritQuest, and then went on to apprentice for 10 years with an incredible Ayahuasquero maestro. She is a graduate of the Gaia Institute’s Master Herbalism Apprenticeship in 2009, and is a master of plant communication. Kat has poured medicine for thousands of sincere seekers, and coached hundreds of people in the aftermath of powerful plant ceremonial work. She’s a humble servant of all plant medicines, having completed several years of Master Plant Diets to date. She is thrilled and honored to share some of the priceless knowledge imparted to her during these wildly eclectic experiences.
Kat is ready to talk plants, explore the mystery of consciousness, and help each participant find their unique and personalized next steps in the magical, love-filled realm of shamanism.