The Most Protective Master Plant Spirits

There are multitudes of plants that offer service as protective allies, but each of them performs this in their own special way. They provide different types of protection as well, and the effectiveness can also be influenced by our own relationship with each of these beings.

These are some of my main contenders when I am looking to create a safe space for myself, whether in ceremony or otherwise.

The Ultimate Protector and Amplifier of Intentions: Sacred Tobacco

Sacred tobacco, the jungle tobacco called Mapacho, is the undisputed king of protection. He is very grounding and can safely hold a container by being filled with his smoke. However, I believe that the force with which he works with intention is another part of his protective power. When we set the intention with him to protect us or a space, he amplifies that message and ripples it out into the multiverse. It’s almost like he can work with instant manifestation to keep us safe.

Mapacho’s ability to protect us is increased by how he supports us in communicating to the other plants, to the spirit world, and through energy. By facilitating clear communication, our requests and declarations to the spirit world can be more clearly received and responded to. Thereby, not only is he mighty in and of himself and protects us with his own capability, but he also ushers in the support of the entire spirit world that loves and protects us.

The Guardians of the Forest: The Mighty Trees

The trees are called the Guardians of the Forest and with good reason. While many of us have forgotten it to at least some level, we are a part of the forest, too, and the trees are here to protect us when we call on them. An entire novel could be written about how trees protect us, so I will just highlight a few of my main allies here:

  • Juniper

    The magic of this tree will never cease to amaze me as he radiates so much light. The magnitude of the light and joy he carries makes anything out of alignment with that scurry away. Not only does he protect against “evil” spirits and negative energy, but he protects us through what he attracts which is good fortune, positive energy, and all that is in line with our highest good. The Need for Shamanic Perspectives and Integration Support

  • Oak

    They don't call him the Mighty Oak for nothing, and this tree absolutely loves humanity. He has been supporting us through our spiritual evolution for as long as there has been one. As a being associated with thunder and lightning, he has the immense power of rapid transformation, and the Lightning Oaks (those who have been struck by lightning and survived) are considered particularly sacred. The reason many groups like the Druids held their ceremonies in oak groves is due not only to his amazing abilities to open doors to higher consciousness but also to his immense protective capabilities. Oak also uses the power of connection to keep us safe as part of his magic connects us to all of the spirits of the forest. Hence, he can draw upon not only his own strength to surround us in safety, but he knows that in unity with of all of the spirits of the forest, that power is magnified exponentially. 

  • Frankincense

    Frankincense holds the vibration of all that is sacred and holy, and he is among the best for the ability to hold space. Because he brings that high vibration of holiness, nothing that does not match that can remain. I carry his oil with me all the time, and anytime I feel like I need a stronger sense of safety around me, I invite him in to bolster my energetic field and sweep away anything that should not be there. One of PMP's favorite herbal apothecaries, Anima Mundi carries his oil, and you can use our code PLANTMEDICINE for 15% off. :)

A Multifaceted Symbol of Beauty, Power, and Protection: Rose

Many people think of rose and her soft beautiful flowers. While this is one aspect of her, rose is deliciously multifaceted, and if those sweet petals fool you into thinking she doesn't have magnificent power, her thorns will remind you. In fact, I call her thorns her Kali swords as, just like this warrior goddess, she can be fiercely protective and is unafraid to defend those she loves. She is a champion of empowerment, owning our boundaries, and knowing our own worth, so when we connect with her, she invites in the power to protect ourselves along with her own abilities. This magnificent being is always with me, and I adore her. Plus, she is so deeply associated with love, and what on earth and in sky could be more protective than true and absolute love?

The Powerful Cleanser for Physical and Energetic Clearing: Rue

Rue is a force for clearing and has been used as a part of exorcisms. She is impeccably powerful and can provide deep physical and energetic cleansing. While she can be burned as a smudge, my favorite way to work with her is just a few drops of her essential oil in a bath. There is nothing I know that can clear my body and energy of what does not need to be there like soaking in rue.

The Purifying Protector with a Hidden Power of Alignment: White Sage

Much of the magic of white sage when it comes to protection is ushered in by her power to purify. This gal’s smoke can clear an entire home in addition to our personal energy field. However, I have found there is another element to how she supports us with safety. Another of her superpowers is putting us in alignment with what is actually for us. By doing this, we naturally draw in what is in alignment, and anything that does not serve us must fall away. She is pure magic for stepping into our own aligned energy in this way, and I feel this is a lesser known capability of hers.

One thing I must note with White Sage is that how you source her is extremely important. Many places will say that they responsibly wild craft her, but this is currently not possible to do. Due to the rise in her popularity, her whole plants are being disrespectfully ripped out in the middle of the night even on protected lands and private property. For this reason, she is becoming increasingly endangered. If you buy her, I would urge you to buy from a reputable vendor like Mountain Rose Herbs who intentionally works with a farm that grows her organically. The plants in the wild that remain there need to continue to do so until she is able to repopulate and flourish.

The Faerie Queen of Energetic and Psychic Protection: Mugwort

This faerie queen is exquisitely magical and carries a bit different type of protection. Mugwort is fabulous for removing parasites in the body and this reflects in the energetic space through her capacity to release parasitic energy. She is excellent for energetic and psychic protection, has been hung in homes to ward off negative energies, and is an alchemist plant capable of transmuting energies. She also has a riotous sense of humor, and , just having her presence around helps me feel secure.

There are so many other beings out there who can offer us support when we feel like we need to be protected or are creating an energetically safe space for journeying or ceremony, but these are some of the ones I call on most readily. As you find what works for you, you will build relationships with your own allies, and that connection will bolster the work that you do with them. Stay safe out there, tribe! 

Interested in diving deep with one of these protective master plants? Let’s connect and go on a journey with them through a sacred master plant dieta!

About the Author

Lindsay Calliandra Rose is a Medicine Carrier, an accomplished herbalist, Plant Medicine integration specialist, and a woman with a profoundly sacred relationship with nature. She began her Plant Medicine journey many years ago with Ayahuasca and Huachuma, and she has completed multiple Master Plant Diets with beings like Rose, Bobinsana, Juniper, Jurema, Cacao, Oak, and Blue Water Lily. Lindsay is an initiated server and carrier of Hapéh. She now works as a preparation and integration guide for those answering the call to work with sacred medicines, and she is apprenticing in the art of guiding Master Plant Diets as well. She is a passionate advocate of safe and transformative experiences with the plants, and she loves helping people navigate these mysterious spaces with grace, love, and support.


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