Sacred Allies through the Wheel: Tarot, Astrology, and Plants
Understanding the workings of the Universe and connecting more intimately with the beings & forces that lie beneath the consciousness of our everyday experience can feel like a tricky “road” to navigate, especially for the many of us who carry layers of injury from generational and early trauma.
Our minds are the construct of our upbringing and our environment, imprints that have lived on for generations, clouding our vision with a lens that is often quite narrow and confined to the societal paradigm we live within. These keep us stuck in habits and patterns that are not aligned with that which lies deep in our hearts.
That’s where the Tarot, Astrology, and the Plants come in.
The Tarot: A Sacred Map of the Soul’s Journey
Tarot is a Universal tool that connects the Cosmic threads and brings us back into spiritual alignment. It is a mystical symbolic map comprised of archetypal layers that appear cross-culturally and across history, connecting us to the Wisdom of All Life. It provides us with insight and perspective about ourselves, our lives, and the world at a whole other level- giving us an avenue to communicate with our higher self in a deeply meaningful way.
How the Tarot Cards of The Major Arcana Tell a Story
The cards of the Major Arcana tell us a story – a story of the Journey of The Divine Fool. They depict this journey as it moves through all the 3 planes of existence: the Material, the Mind, and the Spiritual plane.
We are this Fool- One that is wholly connected to the world of Soul. We emerge from the womb into this reality, and we begin the great trek of learning how to integrate Soul & Ego. As we walk through the Wheels of Life, the ego may often feel lost, especially as we are often taught to keep our shadows at bay, resulting in us feeling entangled with the dramas and expectations of society.
We may also encounter many archetypes along the way. These Archetypes provide us with insight & knowledge of all aspects of our lives, especially the drives, motives, and complexities lying deep within us.
Revealing our own Mythic identity, we become aware of the symbolic patterns and imprints embedded in our subconscious and within the collective unconscious - some of which have kept us stuck in the realm of our wounds. They help us navigate our daily personal journeys with clarity that comes from beyond our conscious minds.
As we gather these gifts of wisdom, the old imprints begin to dissolve and fall away, and we begin to master our inner world, in turn influencing and changing our external world, ultimately helping to change ALL worlds.
The Connection Between Tarot, the Stars, and Plants
The further we dive into the Tarot, the more we can see that everything is connected and is a fractal of the whole of Existence- including us. It helps us remember how we can return to that state of being - to Nature Herself. The Tarot is a holistic spiritual practice that shares similar frequencies with all the other aspects of Creation. There is this sacred dance between the Tarot and our Body, our Chakras, and with our own personal Cycles. Each suit presented in the Minor Arcana is an expression of us as Elemental beings of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
The Archetypes in the Major Arcana and the personality attributes we carry in the Minor Arcana are all interconnected with the stars, plants, and trees. Just as each celestial body carries a unique influence, so too do the sacred plants, mirroring the wisdom and energy of the Tarot. There is actually no difference between these essences of the Cosmos, Earth, and Ourselves... Each is one and each is the other
Central to the Tarot are forces cyclically uniting and separating, a dance of Yin & Yang, of above, below, within & without. An interplay amongst the forces of Nature. All connected to the Wheel of the Year, Astrology and Numerology- even the Kabbalah, the I-Ching, and the Egyptian Bardo States!
All are part of the web of Life- weaving a beautiful tapestry and helping us tune into our Elemental Nature.
Integrating Tarot into Daily Life: Aligning with Cosmic and Elemental Wisdom
Knowing that the Tarot corresponds directly with Ancestral wisdom and with all other aspects of Nature and the Cosmos, we can then amplify our healing and growth by engaging in a relationship with those Elementals & Beings that correspond with the Archetypal energies we are connecting with in the Tarot.
As an example, right now in February 2025, we are moving through the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is associated with the 5, 6, and 7 of swords. Let's say we focus on the Six of Swords. Swords represents Air- the infinite sky AND our limited mind.
This particular card is about transitions, specifically shifting from more challenging times to calmer times; from one way of being to another. This can often feel somewhat overwhelming and scary as we leave the familiar and travel into the mysterious unknown. In order for us to resonate with that which we are heading towards, it is important for us to leave behind that which no longer serves and take only what we need.
You can also link the number 6 in the Tarot back to its Major Arcana archetypes: the Lovers card (6) and, in its shadow form, the Devil (15). We hear our heart calling, and we know at some level what it is we truly want, yet because of underlying shadow energies (within and without), we are often lured into darker thoughts and patterns- choosing to return to the familiar even if it no longer serves.
When we know the Archetypes connected to this time, we can access the Plant Allies that could assist us with choosing the aspect of Love.
Some Potential Plant Allies Include:
Ashwaganda, Scullcap, or Oatstraw to calm the mind and the nerves
Cacao or Rose to open our hearts' ability to receive and BE with all that rises
Ginger, Rosemary or Thyme to activate internal fire and connect us to our power
Sage, Mugwort, or Palo Santo to clear old, sticky energies holding us back
As another example, say you pull the High Priestess card in a personal reading. The Priestess tells us it would be helpful to engage more deeply with your intuition, with Water, and the energy of the Moon. To activate this psychic energy, you could commune with Mugwort and Blue Lotus, Plant beings that hold the essence of dreams, water, and the Moon.
You could incorporate these plant allies in such a vast array of ways- a Spell, a Herbal bath, a Ritual- perhaps connected to the Lunar cycles- the only limitation to how we engage is our own imagination.
Deepen Your Connection with Sacred Allies
Hopefully this glimpse into the Tarot has planted some new ideas of how you might work with these Sacred Allies. Widening our circle of support and community to include the Cosmos truly helps us embody interconnectedness and get in touch with our inner selves and each other.
If you are interested in knowing about the Tarot, receiving your own Reading or are interested in connecting more deeply with these Allies and weaving them into your own Magical practices & Medicines, please feel free to reach out to me here.
About the Author
Sage RavenStar is a shapeshifter, following this mission through many names: Plant Medicine Coach, Shamanic Guide, Healer, Mentor, Mystic, Tarot Reader, Facilitator, Hag/Crone, Hedgewitch, and Mother. Sage’s greatest teacher in life has been Life Herself. Through her journey of healing from a wide array of issues rooted in generational and childhood trauma, Mama Gaia has always been her most consistent support and ally. It has always been her passion to assist others in re-building and strengthening their connection with Life and our natural Allies, both on a personal scale and on a greater collective scale of hurt and trauma. Her lived experience in abuse, addictions, mental health challenges, and body ‘issues’, and her dedication and connection to those ‘outside of the box’, bring a special touch to her work that cannot be replicated. She looks forward to bringing elements of all she has been and is known to walk with you as you walk your own path towards inner and outer peace as an essential piece of the interconnected web of Life.